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The next few days are spent in a similar fashion, of lounging in pajamas and watching whatever he can find on their multiple streaming sites.

When Friday rolls around, the morning and afternoon are the same, but as soon as Dana walks through the door after her early morning shift at the hospital, it's "go time" as she calls it. It's a frenzy of cleaning and cooking and making sure everything is set up for when her beloved coworker friends show up at 5pm sharp, though dinner won't be served until at the earliest 6.

It's already around 4 when Louis finally has a chance to shower and get ready for the unknown guests. The previous times Dana had any coworkers over, Louis just happened to be gone. Whether he was at a party with friends or having a late night study at the library, the result being, he had absolutely no idea who these people were, other than they were in the medical field, specifically pediatrics.

Louis dresses comfortable, as he is in his own home, and he's not particularly trying to impress anyone. Tossing on a maroon sweater, a pair of black joggers, and fuzzy socks Louis considers himself dressed, and casually walks downstairs.

Dana is sitting on the couch, the food in the crock pot, and the place smelling of the gingerbread candle sitting on the coffee table. Louis smiles at his aunt, before plopping down next her to, and snuggling into her chest. She wraps her arms around him, embracing him tightly, knowing he needs the occasional cuddle due to his omega instincts. Though everyone needs a big hug every once in a while, omega's are in constant need of affection.

They sit for a good minute before the sound of the doorbell echos off the walls causing Louis to jump, followed by a deep blush of embarrassment. Dana lets out a boisterous laugh, rubbing his back. She stands, making her way to the door. "Lou, why don't you put on some music through the stereo?" Louis hums, standing and making his way to their stereo system, plugging in the communal iPod, and shuffling some Christmas music.

Dana walks in seconds later followed by two wolves, both of whom seem to be betas, if Louis' nose is right. He smiles shyly at them, as Dana introduces them. "Love, this is Marcus and his mate Abby. Marcus is one of my most trusted nurses. Guys this is my nephew and favorite omega, Louis."

Louis blushes at the last part, but smiles wide as he shakes their hands, letting out a quiet "hello."

After the introduction, it feels like a blur as more and more people arrive, though in the end it only turns out to be around ten. An omega Louis doesn't remember the name of asks loudly, catching the attention of just about every body, "hey! When is Doctor Styles showing up?"

Dana lets out a giggle, loving how excited the group of three omegas get when Doctor Styles is mentioned. "Harry should be here around 7, he had to finish up at the hospital and then run home to freshen up."

An hour later, everyone has a bowl of soup and glasses of wine, spread across the apartment. There's sounds of loud talking and excited laughs echoing around the room, bringing a warm feeling inside everyone. Louis smiles as he sits on the couch, listening to everyone talk over one another as they tell stories.

Louis loves this. He loves this feeling he gets when surrounded by happy people who all clearly care about each other. Even though he's just met them, he already adores the company of these lovely friends, and he's glad his aunt has such wonderful people surrounding her at work.

Louis takes a sip of his drink, closing his eyes for a moment, just embracing the moment. His eyes open, and make contact with his aunt who sits on the other side of the room, the motherly figure sends him a soft smile, adoration and love being sent just from the small action. Louis grins, eyes crinkling as he realizes just how happy he is in the moment.

It doesn't take long for the moment to be temporarily ruined by the ringing of the doorbell, for what feels like the millionth time of the evening. Dana jumps up, "it's probably just Harry!" There's a roar of giggles as the few omegas there sit up straighter and take sips of their wine to prepare themselves. Louis himself giggles at their actions, not knowing why they get so flushed when the mystery man is mentioned.

Dana is loud when greeting the guest, probably due to the multiple glasses of wine already consumed. As Louis hear footsteps get closer, he's suddenly overwhelmed by the intoxicating scent of burning wood and cinnamon. He looks up from his glass of wine when he hears the footsteps suddenly stop.

His eyes immediately lock with the most beautiful man he has ever seen. Only one word flows through his brain as they both remain frozen.



A/N: There's chapter two!! I'm actually so excited to write this, and I hope you all are too! If there's any errors please tell me!

Like! Comment! Tell me what ya want my lovelies!

Lots of Love,


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