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it has been exactly a year since paul and juliet had confessed their love for each other. needless to say, they began to date shortly after. they had a few arguments, a few sentimental moments, and a million kisses that george gagged at the sight of. currently, they were at their local coffee shop. excluding paul, who was at work.

"wait, so both of you are back together with your exes?" juliet asked george and ringo before sipping her coffee again.

"i mean, yeah. pattie found out eric was a huge drunk and realized she was missing out." george boasted.

"i doubt it. you were probably begging on her doorstep like, 'help! i need somebody. but not just anybody. help! you know i need someone, help!'" john mocked with a chuckle.

george shook his head. juliet giggled at their antics.

"and you, rings?" juliet questioned.

"oh, yeah. maureen called me awhile ago. she said she realized she was wrong, and she wanted to catch up." ringo answered.

"aw, true love." juliet cooed.

george rolled his eyes.

"please, she probably just missed shagging him." george teased.

ringo shoved him, juliet and john laughing at them.

"well, look at yourself! almost two years ago, you and paul were dating for the very first time." john brought up.

juliet smiled before chuckling.

"what do you mean first time? you say it like we've broken up one thousand times." she questioned.

"well, when he cheated on you. that was the first time you broke up. then you got back together around this time, last year. um... didn't you guys break up a few months ago?" john asked.

juliet began to think back.

'juliet walked into her home to see jane asher and paul together. again. they weren't kissing, they were merely just drinking together on the kitchen counter. juliet furrowed her eyebrows. she dropped down the groceries.

"oh! juliet, glad you could join us." jane greeted, finally remembering juliet's name.

juliet scoffed quietly.

"thanks, jane." she thanked with faux in her voice.

"paul, could you talk to me outside?" juliet asked, passive aggressively.

paul nodded his head, seemingly clueless. they both stepped outside, and immediately juliet went in on him.

"what is she doing in our house?" she questioned angrily.

"what? she's just catching up with me." he answered defensively.

"HELLO? paul, do you remember that you shagged her while we were on our almost seven month anniversary? do you remember how fucking gutted that made me? you probably would have moved out if i didn't get drunk that one time." juliet ranted.

"calm down-" paul attempted to calm her down before being interrupted.

"CALM DOWN?!" she questioned angrily.

he stared at her in fear.

"if you can't see this as a problem, we're over. i cant be bothered to deal with this anymore." juliet suggested.

she walked away, not looking back in anger.'

"oh, yeah. you're right. but that was only for like a day or two. i think i was on my period." juliet giggled out.

"but listen! that was reasonable, he shouldn't have been hanging out with her." she defended herself.

they all agreed amongst her.

"give the guy a little bit of credit. he went from having sex with a different woman like everyday for three years to being romeo and juliet. literally." george justified, snorting afterwards.

"well, i think it's your guy's one year anniversary. right? what are you guys doing?" ringo asked.

"oh, i don't know. he said it's a surprise. i should be going... oh, now!" she reminded herself, standing up and running off.

she blew kisses at them as she ran off. she grew anxious. as she went up the stairs, she felt a cold breeze. she went up to her hallway, and saw the door that lead up to the rooftop open. she stepped onto the roof, and heard commotion one level above her. she didn't know if paul would be there, but she didn't want to risk anything. she grew worried as she climbed up the ladder. what if he was with another girl again? what if it was him and jane asher? what if it was somebody that she didn't even know, just minding their business? what if paul completely forgot their anniversary, and he was just taking her on a normal date? she was finally at the top. she saw her blanket, with a few snacks on it. now she knew for sure paul was there. but it seemed like he was with somebody, half of the bags were opened. she walked closer to the blanket, trying to investigate. as she got fully onto the blanket, she was incredibly confused and scared.

"hey, juliet." paul greeted behind her.

she shrieked, turning around immediately. she felt relieved, until she saw paul on his knees with a ring.

"when we met, i had no idea i would feel like this about you. i remember you came in, and politely introduced yourself to me. i immediately began to hit on you, and you rolled your eyes." he started, laughing afterwards.

juliet's eye began to swell up with tears.

"i remember our very first date. it was on this exact roof. when we first started dating for the second time, i forever vowed to make myself for you and you only. i was never like that before. not with jane, not with anybody. you made me a completely new person, and i'm so grateful for that. my life is a fairytale because of you. your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappears. your love has made me crazy, almost." he continued, tears swelling up in his own eyes.

she got down on the ground with him, nodding her head frantically as tears streamed down her face.

"i will always love you. till the end of the line. without you, my life would be so meaningless. you've completely changed my life- i've been talking for too long..." he ended, chuckling.

"juliet sabrina winston, will you marry me?" he asked her carefully.

"of fucking course, james paul mccartney." she answered, more sure about this than anything before.

they kissed each other passionately. she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around his waist. they pulled away eventually, just so that she would be able to put on the ring. she was completely smitten.

she was going to be juliet sabrina mccartney.

my boy ↝ paul mccartney (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant