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juliet woke up, her head pounding. she felt absolutely horrible about herself, she couldn't even recall the night before. she turned to her side, in an attempt of falling back asleep. but beside her, laid a naked paul. she gasped, immediately bringing herself from the bed. the cold air hit her bare skin and she cursed herself for that. she grabbed a giant sweater, that just went down to her thighs and exited herself from her room. she couldn't even remember seeing paul, let alone having sex with him. she couldn't imagine she was having a bad time. despite the intercourse being with her cheating ex. she felt her stomach becoming upset, and she immediately ran for the bathroom. with that, she puked. she thought it was funny as she was just thinking about paul before she threw up. even if it that wasn't why she was puking. after a few minutes, she brought herself up from the toilet and began to brush her teeth. she tried to get out any taste of puke from her mouth, feeling disgusted. once she was finished with that, she immediately headed to johns house. she had to tell him all about that happened. she walked into his house, to see him reading a book on this couch. she smiled at him, sitting down across from him.

"whatcha reading?" she questioned, resting her head on her palm.

he folded the corner of the page he last read and closed it.

"the giver by louis lowry." he answered speedily.

"i have to read every morning, or else my brain won't even work. i swear." he joked, a smile tugging on his face. his words were slurred, but maybe it was just the after effects of drinking.

they began to talk for a bit, joking about juliet's antics the night before. john wasit fell silent, and juliet needed to talk about the one thing she gathered in the morning.

"me and paul slept together." she blurted out.

he blinked at her for a moment.

"well, i'm not surprised by that." he responded nonchalantly.

juliet looked offended.

"well, you were really drunk. and paul is.. well- paul." john defended himself.

she bit on her bottom lip.

"yeah but... now i don't know what to do! we haven't even talked. all i did was slap him and tell him one of us was moving. thats all i remember." she explained, her eyes pleading for advice.

he sighed.

"usually, i would know what to say. but, i don't. maybe just pretend it didn't happen?" he suggested.

juliet threw her head back in guilt.

"god, drunk me is so stupid." she commented.

he laughed.

"i'll say." john responded with a chuckle.

she looked at him with a pout. she stood up.

"okay, well. i'm gonna go find something to do. i'll yell at you if i need you." she discussed her plans.

he waved at her shortly before picking his book back up. she waved back at him before disappearing. she went back into her apartment, deciding to change into shorts. she peaked into her room. paul was gone, thankfully. she began to search in her drawers for shorts. juliet then felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist. she elbowed the hands off of her. she turned around, seeing none other than paul mccartney.

"hi, baby love." he greeted.

she rolled her eyes. she pushed him off of herself before turning back around to grab the first jean shorts she found. she slammed her dresser before sitting on her bed.

"forget last night ever happened, paul." she advised, wiggling her shorts on her.

he looked offended.

"why? you seemed to enjoy last night a lot." he questioned, giving her a sly smirk.

she stood up, fully putting on her shorts and tucking in her sweater.

"i don't even remember it. so, neither should you." juliet retorted.

he pulled himself close to her, sliding his hand up her sides.

"i can give you a feel of what it was like..." he began, moving his hands to her back.

she wanted to stop him. but his touch felt so incredible against her skin. he was about to unclip her bra. this was before he realized she wasn't wearing a bra.

"naughty." he muttered, referring to her being braless.

paul began to nip at her neck, sucking and biting on it gently. she began to moan gently.

"mm, paul. stop.." she whined out, very lightly pushing him away.

he pulled himself closer to her, biting down more roughly. she yelped in pleasure. he picked her up and pushed her against the wall behind her door. she threw her head back. paul began to pull down her shorts.

juliet wanted to save her dignity, wanting to tell him to stop. but it felt so good, and she couldn't stop him now. she threw off her own shorts, growing impatient.

"good girl." paul murmured with a smirk.

he pulled down his shorts and almost slipped himself in. that was when ringo had walked into her room.

"juliet?" he called out.

paul and juliet stayed as quiet as they could be. juliet prayed ringo would leave quickly.

"juliet?" ringo called out again.

paul decided to be devious, as he began to slide himself in juliet's entrance. juliet chewed down on her lip as hard as he could, trying her best not to make a noise. ringo threw juliet's black dress that she had forgotten and closed the door. they spent a few more moments in silence before they heard the door slam. immediately, juliet let out a moan. she cursed herself, knowing john would hear them. she decided then to grab paul's fingers and began to suck onto them. he groaned, incredibly pleased with that.

they then began to have sex, which juliet most definitely couldn't regret.

my boy ↝ paul mccartney (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now