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juliet spent the next two days practically in solitary confinement. she only slept and drank water. she wanted to avoid rejection. that's the only thing she was never able to take. she woke up early, about three in the morning. she called her work, letting them know she was coming in. she put on her uniform and brushed her teeth, putting her hair into a slick ponytail. she got the most out of her instant coffee, speedily drinking it before paul could hear her in the kitchen. not that he would've woken up,
anyways. she decided to take the bus, plugging in her walkman. she tapped her foot to the rhythm of the music, before she heard a commotion. she took off her headphones, turning to the noise. relieved, juliet saw john with a drunk ringo and george. as they walked up to her, george turned to throw up.

"real nice." she commented to john.

john shook his head.

"apparently, they went to some cheap bar on happy hour. poor rings." john explained, patting ringo on the back.

ringo stood there in silence, hiccuping every now and then. everybody was used to george drinking until near death, but ringo barely touched alcohol. let alone, get absolutely smashed from it. juliet pouted her lips.

"poor bubs." she empathized, patting his head.

"fuck you, mates!" george yelled at them, while he laid on the floor.

john sighed.

"would you mind helping me help them in?" he asked.

she nodded her head graciously.

"of course i don't mind." she accepted, beginning to guide ringo upstairs.

ringo tripped up a few stairs, before finally making it back to his flat. he immediately laid down on his couch and passed out. juliet giggled, walking back out to his flat. only to find george trying to fight john.

"oi, wanna hussle?" he questioned him ferociously.

john shook his head.

"not really. i want to sleep." he retorted, pulling him harshly into his house.

george groaned, stumbling into his room and slurring his words about nothing. john closed the door quietly, to not wake anybody else. he sighed.

"that man is a giant piece of work." juliet commented.

"tell me about it, i've been dealing with it since i was a small one." john replied.

juliet then cursed herself, knowing she missed her bus.

"shit! i just missed the bus, i know it." she complained.

"why's that a problem? just get a ride from me." john offered.

"are you sure?" juliet questioned.

john nodded his head.

"don't even mention it." he passed off.

they began to walk down the stairs, talking about their day with one another. juliet tried avoiding the part when she was evilly rejected by her love. they quickly got into the car began to drive.

"so, how's things with paul?" he asked.

she blushed. she didn't know if he was joking, or if he had known.

"oh, drunk rings told me and george about you two." john clarified.

she groaned. the one and only time ringo gets drunk is when he's holding juliet's secrets.

"well- i don't know. i told him i loved him a few days ago. he just said sorry and walked away. so, i probably have to move out in a bit. there's more empty flats in our building." she explained.

john frowned.

"i hope not. you guys can work it out. you always do." he encouraged.

juliet furrowed her eyebrows.

"what have we worked out? i slept with him when i was drunk once and then we kept on shagging until just now." she argued, laughing afterwards.

john laughed with her. they began to talk a bit more. sympathizing with poor ringo, who was going to have an awful hangover the day after. eventually, they made it to the diner. she got out of the car and walked out to the diner. she waved and blew kisses at john. who, tiredly waved back with a weak smile.

she spent the rest of her shift in fear of actually having to move out. she had spent three years in that house. everything would be the same, she would just be missing a certain somebody. a certain person that made her house, a home.

eventually, her shift was over and she felt blessed. she checked her name off the shift list and walked out. with just her luck, it was absolutely pouring. she began to walk down the streets of her city. having to take multiple detours due to the roads being blocked off for construction and dangerous streets she wouldn't dare step foot on. she began to cry, thinking of everything her life had become just ten months ago. january, a tender girl with a small crush. but now september, a broken girl in love with a man who couldn't care less about her. she was gutted, and she just wanted a hug. juliet felt grateful for the rain, because it hid her tears.

she finally made it on her street, deciding to go in for a quick coffee by her local coffee shop. she decided to get a small coffee with cream and sugar. after a few minutes, she finally received her coffee and left the building. as she was about to walk into her flat, she had saw paul. she dropped her coffee, half of it scorching her hand. juliet then began to walk the other way, not caring if she wasn't able to go back in her flat. he began to chase after her, calling out her name. she wanted to run, tears streaming down her face. she couldn't bare to see him anymore. he had hurt her enough. but her legs had refrained her from moving. she turned to see him, about to yell. when she was interrupted by a kiss from paul. a desperate kiss that felt so incredibly necessary. they kissed for a long amount of time, before juliet had pulled away. she was confused by his actions.

"i love you too." paul said.

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