Bloopers (just 4 fun)

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Creator: Hello there! Well, I just wanted to do this ever since I got 1.03k reads! I was so happy I just have to do a blooper! Hope you enjoy reading.
Scene 1

Creator: Okay gang! Time for the film!

Randy: Which part is it again?

Creator: Well, its...*saw the tear up scripts from Tengu Bird* Dang it. Tengu! Can't you take care of that thing?! It tore the scripts! And that's for the kiss scene in the bed!

Tengu: Look, Daiichi just had to feed it with sugar coat candy. The bird is angry you know?

Nomi: Daiichi, be more responsible. Don't you love Tengu? I mean the bird?

Daiichi: Sorry Dad. Tengu took it without my knowledge. Sorry.

Randy: Its okay sweetie. Just take care of it.

Creator: Back to the show! And action!

Randy: "Well, I do have a have a crush on you since..." What is it again?

Nomi: Oh my god! Randy! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh god.

Creator: Cut... *face slap*

Scene 2

Creator: Alright guys. And action!

Nomi:"Randy, I love you. Please come back for me..." Is that how it go's?

Creator: Nope... Next!

Scene 3

Daiichi: "Hey, Dylan! That's my scarf! Daddy gave it to me!"

Dylan: "You should fix this thing or better, get a new one."

Yuuri: "Dylan, give it back! It has the..." What do you call it again?

April: Bird and soul?

Yuuri: Dang it. I forgot.

Yuuki: Language children!

Scene 4

Creator: Okay, that's all. Anyone want a rest?

All: Yah.

Creator: Okay then. Go take a break.

Randy: Yeah or else, we might as well get "broke" on our body! Get it?

All: Nope.
Creator: Hope this will do. Bye! See ya soon!

*Bird destroyed the camera*

All: Dang it.

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