Public Rumors

375 9 3

Creator: Hey ya'll. Enjoy!
Nomi P.O.V

I was getting ready to school with Randy, Tengu and Yuuki. We walked to school and what do you know? Many students came in rushing to the building. Then, whispers can be heard. Randy looked a little upset and went to his locker. Yuuki and Tengu only sigh and did their thing. I was still confused. Girls then came up to me and pulling me away from the Cunningham's.

"Listen, Nomi. You need to hear this. Stay away from them. We heard that he's dangerous. That Mandy boy shouldn't be with you. Got that?" Heidi explained to me. Seriously? Mandy? His name is Randy. Why Heidi why?

I looked back at the Cunningham's and noticed something. Yuuki was more quiet. Tengu was leaning against the locker while Randy was reading a book, quietly. They usually talk a lot. But now, they were quiet. Randy for some reason closed the book he was reading and placed it in his bag. And then looked at me, giving a sign that he'll be going to class with the others. I nodded. I was still confused.

Skip to recess...

Everyone is still staying away from them. Yuuki only using her phone, Tengu doing his work which is quite rare and Randy was resting his head, quietly. I can't help it anymore. I went to Bash and his group and ask a question. The girls told me that they heard something suspicious from Yuuki and Randy's conversation, talking about murder and destroying something. I looked at the Cunningham and saw Yuuki holding her head. Her eyes turned to red and turn back into blue. She then shake her head and and looked at me with a worried face. Why are they so dangerous?

Randy P.O.V

I was down after the dream that I had last night. I dreamt that the sorcerer escaped and ruled the world. Yuuki confronts me saying that everything will be fine. But I'm still scared. Nomi will do anything to protect me and fight him. I wanted to be quiet for now. I don't want to talk about anything. Nomi looked at us with a confused face. I looked away. Then...


Tears dripping down from my face. I tried to hold it, but couldn't. I was crying and run away from the cafeteria. I need to stay strong! I went to the bathroom and locked myself in there.

Nomi P.O.V

Randy didn't know that I was following him from behind. He locked himself in there. Great. I knocked on the door asking Randy to come out.

"Randy, cmon. Get out. Lets talk about this rumors."

"No. I need some time Nomi. Please leave me alone." He said with a noticeable shaky voice. I sigh. He's getting scared.

"Randy, I'm very concern about you. If you can tell me about these rumors, we can might as well fix everything." I encouraged him.

He got out of the stall and hugged me. I hugged back. I wiped the tears away from his eyes and stare at him. His beautiful blue sapphire eyes were crystalize. I kissed his forehead and tell him that everything will be fine. He nodded and explain everything to me.

Turns out, Randy and Yuuki were talking about defeating the sorcerer and telling about my back story. I felt sorry for Randy. It was just a misunderstanding. We went back to the cafeteria and saw Yuuki with red eyes. It's not normal for her to have those eyes. Her hand was holding a kitchen knife, looking at the students and lost control of herself. Tengu was trying to protect them and try to calm her down.

Randy then walk towards her and saying something to her ear. She then calm herself down with a sad face. Saying that she wants to see her best friend again. Her past friend disappeared and she is still worrying about him everyday. Tears went down her eyes as she tried to hold it together.

Skip to end of school...

I walk and waiting for the Cunningham siblings but no where to be seen. Then, I saw them with a frown. Everyone was walking away from them. I was pulled back by the girls and Bash was scaring the siblings. Yuuki only looked at Randy while Tengu was fighting back. Randy was about to loose control himself again and he fell on his knees. I went rushing towards him and calm him down. All of the sudden, green stank was around us. The stank went towards Randy who is scared and unable to move. Please be strong, Randy!

Randy P.O.V

I was about to be stanked. It went to my body and towards my scarf. My eyes wide open and suddenly looked down. I look up at the other students and how scare they are. I was stanked. My body was still in my human form. Nomi looked at me with a scare face. I smirk with evilness. Can't wait to get revenge.

Yuuki P.O.V

I looked at stanked Randy and told Tengu and Nomi to hide. But Nomi didn't move. Instead, he went to Randy and ask him a question.

"Randy, is this really you?"

Randy only pushed him away and Nomi was started to bleed. Everyone called Randy a monster, but he didn't care. He started rampaging the city and attack anyone in sight. He is trying to express more, his stress, anger, disappointment. Everything.

I hid myself behind the school and wore my ninja mask. I went straight to Randy who is still attacking it. Nomicon then came and everyone was telling him to kill the monster. Nomi didn't listen and cut off the scarf. Randy went back to normal and Nomicon hugged him. Tears flowing down his eyes asking him to be strong for everyone. Randy nodded and kissed Nomicon's cheek with a smile. Everyone was shocked to see them like that while I was fangirling about it. I was there hugged Randy and made him to promise me that he'll never get stanked again. He nodded. Nomicon picked him up in bridal style since he hurt his ankle and can barely walk thus jump building by building back home. I was about to go when I felt a strange feeling that someone is staring at me. I shake my head and went back home.

Nobody P.O.V

Yuuki didn't know that someone was staring at her with a smirk. A boy with a ninja mask only looked at her and whispered to himself.

I found you, Yuuki~

Creator: See y'all next time in the next part.

Randy x Human!NomiconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora