The Surprise Girl

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Creator: I'm back!

Randy: Where is my glasses?!

Nomi: Wasn't on your table in your room?

Randy: Right.

Creator: Enjoy this story guys! There is actually my character Yuuki so please respect this. Yuuki is Randy's step sister. Randy didn't remember much about her. She knew his double life.


Randy P.O.V

I was sitting in class for a boring subject, history. I mean, I almost fell asleep in this class anyway. I like math more than this. I rather be with Math-kuj right now. Y'know, those humanized things? I love those guys. I saw Nomi walked past and went into my class. The teacher was looking at him and ask him a question.

"What are you doing, Nomi?"

"Just sending a new girl. Yuuki, come in."

A blue-hair girl came in and introduce herself. She looked awfully familiar... Who is she?

"Greetings, everyone. My name is Yuuki. I was actually a Cunningham family member but I have to move to another state. The pleasure is all mine." Bows down in a traditional japan style.

Yuuki? Was my sister? What is going on. Everyone just looked at me with a serious face.

"Forget to mention. I was adopted in the Cunningham family. Sorry."

So she was my step sister. Welp, I'm doom. I can't let her know that I'm the ninja. That's just breaking the first rule of being a ninja. But she seems that she knew more than what she is. Wait, is she? I'm confused now.

Yuuki P.O.V

I know that Randy is confused right. He doesn't have any memory about me. Even though that he was a ninja, he couldn't do anything. Poor child.



Randy P.O.V

A monster? Really. I quickly went to the boys bathroom while everyone else running away, hiding. I put on my mask and transform myself into a ninja. I went to the battle scene and tried my best to fight. Then, a girl ninja came in and helped me defeat the monster. I immediately knew that she was Yuuki. How I know? Her blue-hair color. No one else seems to notice it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I know who you are. I want to help you with your training."

"Okay..." I said defensively.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

"The one thing I know what to do is SMOKE BOMB!" I disappeared.

"Really? Augh!" She disappeared as well.

I went back to class to find out that Nomi Norisu was looking at me, worriedly.

"W...What is it?" I ask.

"Where were you?! Everyone was looking for you! They are really worried. Go now!" Nomi was worried about me as well? That's nice.

"Okay. I'll go now."

I went inside and everyone was running to me. Including Yuuki and my best friend, Howard.

"Are you okay?" Yuuki asked me.

"Yeah, I guess." I answered calmly. I knew what she was thinking.

"Good. You know what I want, right?"


"See you soon, baby bro."

After school...

I was on my way to my house when all of the sudden someone pull me in the dark alley and did a kabedon at me. (kabedon is a japanese way to flirt anyone. One hand on the wall to block the victim to escape.) It was dark, I can't see who it was. But I know it was a boy.

"Hey, you won't run, right~?"

I was scared. I didn't think anything so instead I hit his nut( you know what I mean) I run as fast as I can. I saw Yuuki and hugged her scared. She knew what happen and said that she was rushing herself to save me. I'm glad she was my sister although she's just a step sister. We went home and start our training with Nomicon. Nomicon told me that even the ninja and him won't tell who they are. I understood. I promise him that I will tell him about my hobbies and some personal things. He accepted. My life is getting better.

No one P.O.V

Randy, Yuuki and Nomicon are happily train with each other, that they didn't realize that someone tried to kill them. The sharp yellow eagle eyes fades away after a moment.


Creator: Why do I feel its short?

Randy: Who knows.

Nomi: I'm getting nap. Wanna come, Randy?

Randy: Uh *blushed* S...Sure. I guess.

Creator: Yeah, please don't make a loud of noises, okay? *smirk*

Both: *Blushed hard* What the Juice?!

Yuuki: They will be fine. Right~? *smirk*

Both: *still blushed* Leave us alone.*walks away.

Creator: Hope ya'll enjoy. Bye!

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