The Chosen One

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Randy P.O.V

'I was chosen to protect the school from the forces of evil. I am a ninja. I am Randy Cunningham.'

Is what I would said if I'm the ninja. That old ninja told me that every four years a new ninja was chosen to protect its city from evil. I wish I could do something like that. I mean, who doesn't want to be a ninja? It may be dangerous but it's fun! I think?

"Yo, Cunningham. What are you thinking about?" Howard came out of nowhere. How in the world did he do that?

"Nothing, Howard. I was day dreaming like I used to."

"Cunningham, I know you are a ninja fanatic nerd but try control yourself. I mean you are the only one who knew about the ninja way before us." Howard explained.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing."

"Hopefully. Hey look, its him."


"Nomi Norisu"

I look back and its true. Nomi Norisu is a newbie senior, a year older than me and Howard. I'm an admirer of Nomi, my senpai (means senior in Japanese) until I realized that he kind of notice me. I hide myself in the locker until he walk away. He didn't see me, that's good. Wait, he didn't hear the hanging sound of the locker? Maybe he thought Howard did it. I don't know why but every time I'm close to him, my heart felt beating faster. Is this really love or just admiration? I'm confused.

"Cunningham, c'mon. Its time to go. We'll be late for class."

"I'm coming."

I went to class with Howard until recess. Boring as usual. Soon, recess came up and we went to the cafeteria.

"Cunningham, c'mon."

"I'm coming-" I was about to reply when I bumped into someone. Oh no, why him?!

I bumped into Nomi and my tray fell, just about to hit him. But he catches it with one hand and gather everything from the air like a master. My tray looks like I just got it. How in the ninja world did he do that? That so some skill. I blushed as I got the tray back.

"Be careful, okay kid?"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. Is there anything you can forgive me?" I panicked and ask questions stupidly. Why do I always stutter?

"Don't worry. Its fine. Just be more careful. Your name?" Nomi ask with a smirk.

I blushed a bit.

"R...Randy. Randy Cunningham."

"Do you like me?" He ask.

I was blushing hard. Why did he ask that question?! I panicked and immediately shake and nod in the same time. He just giggled. His giggles is so cute!

"You're really interesting. Well, gotta go. See ya later?"

"S..sure. See ya."

I can't believe it. That means I can see him anytime he's free. I happily smile to myself, somehow feeling as if it was an achievement. But I know one thing as I was walking away. Girls. I saw many girls went to him just to talk and taking selfies. I was quiet for a while until...


A crash happen and came out a monster. The ninja came and destroy the monster's side until the victim was back to normal. The ninja looked at me and told me that his four years is almost over. The newest ninja will be chosen by tomorrow. Then he smoked-bomb himself. Why did he tell me that though? Not anyone else, just me.

"A new one, huh?" Nomi came out of nowhere. How?!

I just looked at him. He walked away with a poker face. Weird, he was acting stress. Is he okay? I hope he is. I went home and found a book, in a box in my room? How the juice? Its cover was black and red with a ninja symbol on it. I open it and found a ninja mask. I put it on and it transform me into a ninja. There was notes saying, 'Don't tell to anyone for your own safety'.

Then, the book transform into a human with red hair and was wearing like a hood that covered his mouth.

"Greetings, new ninja. I'm Nomicon. I'll be your guide for your battle."

"Nice to meet you, Nomicon."

Then, after that he fades into a book. I was quite shock. I'm the new ninja. I was chosen. I'm the new hero. Lets see how my life goes now.


Creator: Greetings everyone! Thank you for reading my story.

Randy: Are we really going to do this?

Nomi: I don't know. It's her wish.

Creator: Yeah that's right. So take a day break.

Both: Thanks. *Walk away*

Creator: Hope ya'll enjoy. See you soon~!

Randy x Human!NomiconWhere stories live. Discover now