Babysitting the future kids

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Creator: I can't handle the amount of cuteness of randicon shipping. Enjoy the stories, guys!
Nomi P.O.V

I was getting ready to school when I saw the kids sleeping on the couch. I woke them up and told them to get dress. Luckily, Yuuki had some spare small clothing for them to wear. Those were pretty old but fits perfectly for the kids.

Daiichi was wearing a plain red shirt with his favorite red scarf, black jeans and purple shoes. Yuuri had a black and blue pattern shirt with a dark blue mini skirt and black leggings with black shoes. April had her casual wear like Theresa's but a long black and dark red socks and Tengu's shoes.
Dylan wear a normal greenish shirt with short pants and black shoes.

The others came down and was ready to go to school. We had a lot of talk about the future generation. Dylan's technology is much more advance than others. April secretly had a toy knife that is so sharp its like an actual knife. Yuuri was talking about her necklace that can do almost anything. Daiichi however was quite well, quiet.

At the school.

Everyone is shock to see us with children. We went to the principal's office and got permission to bring the kids with us until their parents can get them. That went well. He told us that we can have free time with them. That's good.

Randy P.O.V

I looked at Nomi and blush secretly. I looked at Daiichi and play with him a while. He look identical to me but with reddish hair like Nomi's but a bit darker. I hugged him like he's a teddy bear. He hugged me like I was his mother. Well, its true that his parents is me and Nomi. Wait...

How can we get him? He can't be adopted. Can he? Daiichi ended up fell asleep on me. So adorable. I pick him up and notice that the other kids are sleepy too. Yuuki pick up Yuuri, Tengu picks up April while Howard picks up Dylan. They instantly fell asleep. We went to our class together manage to be in class.

Skip to recess.

The kids are running around the table that we sat. Quite cheerful and energetic, aren't they? Then, Bash came in and grab Daiichi from his collar.

"Bash, release him now!" I shouted.

"Nope. This kid is a stupid piece of skunk." He threw him at us. Daiichi was weak while I hold him motherly.

"Why you..." Nomi growl. Then, I felt a dark aura from the children. They all including Daiichi was angry. Yuuri then step forward and push Bash with a single touch. Bash fell down on his butt with pain. He was about to attack her but April then jump from behind and use her toy knife to cut his clothes. Dylan was typing something on his tech and its release a claw that grab Bash and pinned him on the wall. Daiichi stood in front of Bash and did a dark glare. The children's aura is strong enough to scare Bash, heck the whole school.

Dylan let go of him and Bash just ran away. He didn't get close to the door, he fell and saw a ribbon like feathers that tied his legs. Its from April. Then, they spoke something in a creepy tone.

"No one mess with us. You mess with us and our family, we'll mess with you and yours."

Bash ran away. We were shock with their behavior but we're glad that they were safe and sound. I hold onto Daiichi and hug him motherly. He then calm himself down and hug me back. Everyone literally said 'aw' for a few second. Nomi then came to me and hugged Daiichi. The other kids calm themselves down as well.

School ended with a weird memory I'll never forget. They had something special that came from their parents. Debbie and Howard started dating from there. Theresa and Tengu kiss each other sweetly. Yuuki and Yooka just lifting Yuuri while me and Nomi hold onto Daiichi.

But then...

Creator: Cliffhanger! The new part awaits!

Daiichi: hope everyone enjoyed my parent's story so far. *smile*

Creator: You're so adorable. Hope y'all like it. See ya soon.

Daiichi: bye! *wave*

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