Final Battle

401 10 16

Creator: Wow. The story is almost finish. I don't know. Enjoy the story guys!
Nomi P.O.V

I saw the children filled with anger. Yuuri went straight to the sorcerer, running with high speed and attack him using a sword. The sword turned into flame and she slashed him through the clothes.

The sorcerer uses his stank and tried to attack Yuuri, but it was blocked by an attack that uses leather, feather like tail. April uses her tail that melted and splitting itself in half. She then pulled Yuuri and careful put her down. Dylan type on his tech and the claw attack Viceroy and McFist pinning them on the ground. I turned at Daiichi who looks different. He came slowly but scary.

Daiichi looked up and he is different. His eyes were black with bright red pupils. His hands looks like tengu claw including his legs. His clothes ripped and his back had tengu bird wings, twice his size. Yuuri changed herself too. She looks almost like Daiichi but with pale blue pupils and blue shade wings. Her clothes ripped as well. Her hands and legs looked like Daiichi. She sprint to the sorcerer with Daiichi and they attacked him.

"Daiichi! Your powers is still uncontrolled! Come back!" Nomicon shouted.

He didn't listen. He went behind the sorcerer and uses his claw and slash him until the sorcerer fell. Yuuri came with her sword and pointed at the sorcerer's neck.

"Foolish Sorcerer. Do you really think that we children can't fight? Think again. We are more stronger than you. Go back to H-E double tooth picks or should I say HELL." Yuuri said with a heavy tone. She then looked at Daiichi and nodded. He nodded and uses his claw and was about to kill him. But then...

"Daiichi come back!" Ninja shouted. He was weak and pale. He looks like he was about to die but still managed to shout. Nomicon looked weak as well. Randy looked at the ninja and looked back at Daiichi. He shouted as well.

"Daiichi! They need you! Heal them!"

Daiichi quickly ran to his parents and tried to heal him. They healed but when into a deep sleep. Daiichi cried on them. Saying he was sorry. Yuuri, April and Dylan went to Daiichi and calm him down. The caged that we're in broke by Yuuri's glance. Randy run to Daiichi and hugged him saying that everything will be okay. I saw McFist and Viceroy running away leaving the sorcerer behind. Randy took his chance and wore his ninja mask. IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!

"Go and bring them safe, sis. I'll be back." He then charges to the sorcerer and fight. Yuuki carried the family and bring them to the safest place possible. I didn't move. I swore that I fight him. The sorcerer is the reason I'm like this. I uses invisibility and turn into the Nomicon. I went to the fight and froze.

Randy got stab in the chest. Blood dripped everywhere. I got up to him and tried to help him. The sorcerer laugh like a bitch. I took my sword and immediately destroy his orbs changing him into a human and his soul leave in peace.

I still hold onto Randy. Blood was covered on my hands. Yuuki came back and gave a health treatment. Daiichi and Yuuri came with healing herbs and saying the Living Flower can bring him back. Making him a lot stronger and less pain. They mumbled the spell and Randy's pain was healed. But his eyes are still closed. I hold onto him with tears flowing. I was glad he is alive but didn't wake up makes my heart hurt. I carried him bridal style and jump building to building. I then placed him next to me under the tree where he confess himself to me. He looked like he was sleeping.

Randy P.O.V

In Randy's mind...

I was walking in a garden when all of the sudden it was starting to rain. But it felt like tears. I looked up and saw the source of rain and saw Nomi's reflection. I blush when I saw Nomi looking down and mumbled something that made me shock.

"Randy, wake up. Please. I can't leave you alone. I promised you. You died again and again but still managed to smile. This one is the worse death I've saw. Bash did kill you and you lived. Monster Howard made you hurt yourself but still managed to smile. Like it was nothing. I have to admit you're strength is nothing like I've seen before."

I was crying. Tears streaming down from my face.

"Randy. Do you remember when you confessed to me? I was shock but still think you can do more. The reason I accepted you is that I really do feel the same way to you. So please..."

He got close to my face and cupped my check with tears still streaming.

"Come back."

He then kissed me on the lips. I return the kiss and woke up from my dream.

In reality...

I opened my eyes seeing Nomi kissing me. He broke the kiss and saw my eyes opened. He was overjoyed. I hugged him and we kissed again. We kissed for a minute or two and broke it with a smile.

The others came and hugged me. The children were asleep. Future ninja and future Nomicon said that they'll be sending the kids home and smoked bomb themselves. Yuuki and Yooka left me and Nomi alone while we enjoyed ourselves under the tree where memories put to rest.

5 years later...

Me and Nomi went out for years now. Time flies so fast. Nomi said that he'll live with me forever, now that he's immortal. I was happy with that. We graduated a few years ago and started to hang out more often. Yeah, attacks still happens but we made time as well. Until...

"Randy, my life changes whenever I'm with you. You gave me something to feel and made me cherish it. So Randy." He sat on one knee and showed me a box with a ring in it.

"Will you marry me and live with me until death do us apart?"

I was crying with joy. I hugged him tightly.

"Yes! Yes in a million yes I will marry you!" He hugged me back and kissed me. For years I lived with him. We ended up having a child and named him Daiichi just like the future would. Time to let the future in.

The End.

Creator: Finished! I kinda touch when Nomi asked for the hand of marriage. Hope you like the story. Bye!

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