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a few days ago my mom called and asked if I could come to visit with the girls for a few days, of course, I said yes

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a few days ago my mom called and asked if I could come to visit with the girls for a few days, of course, I said yes. Percy and I had a few days off school and decided to go down together. 

"Are you driving or am I?" Percy asked as he put the final suitcase in the trunk of his truck,

"You, I am not used to driving the truck yet," I explained, I have only ever driven his truck once and it was only for about two minutes when I needed tampons and Percy was sleeping.

"Alright," he walked to the passenger side of the car and opened my door like he always does,

"thank you," I smiled and kissed him before he closed the door behind me. He walked around to the opposite side of the car and hopped in.


We finally got to Jefferson and both of the twins were asleep, as we pulled into the driveway at my parent's house, my mom was waiting for us on the porch. 

"Emery!" she pulled me into a hug right as I got out of the truck, "I've missed you so much, how are you?"

"I'm great mom how are you?" I hugged back,

"I am great now that you are home,"

well not home, I will never be able to go back there, I thought to myself. Percy gave me a puzzled look as he noticed my change in my mood.

"Percy, have you gotten taller?" my mom asked pulling him to a hug,

"maybe, I haven't noticed," he smiled and hugged back.

"let's go inside and eat, I make lunch,"

Percy grabbed Amberly and I grabbed Aria out of the car and walked inside behind my mom.


"Hey, what happened back there?" Percy asked as we entered my room after dinner. 

"Nothing," I lied

"I've already told you that I can tell when you are lying, what happened?" he asked again,

"she said she was happy that I was home. But I am not home, he ruined that for me," I admitted talking about how Ace ruined any chance I would ever have of going home.

"Don't let him win, he didn't ruin home you just need to make a new one," he hugged me, 

the night went by fast, I was exhausted from the drive down and both of the girls were already asleep.  

Percy and I hadn't had much time to ourselves because our families have been badgering us about school and how much they miss us and I get it it has been a while since they have seen Percy but I was here less than a month ago. 

"Hey Em," my mom entered my room, "can we talk?"

"sure," I agreed, she seemed worried, 

"my mother has invited us for a family reunion, they want you and the girls to come,"


Another short chapter, this is the one I wrote before I had my little break, I am sorry for how terrible it is, I am trying to get the motivation to write again but it is hard. I hope you liked this tho. (I am not back to writing, the next few chapters I have written before I had no motivation.)

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