5| Moving in.

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Today is the day I start moving all my stuff into my apartment

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Today is the day I start moving all my stuff into my apartment. I have Percy, Logan, my parents and I all moving my things into the apartment.

"where does this box go?" Percy asked holdong a box that belonged in Arias room, 

"in the second bedroom beside the bathroom," I explained, in the box was some of the girl's stuff and since both girls are going to get there own room I have been splitting up the stuff from the nursery and my room. 

"Hey!" I heard Marianna yell from the front door, 

"Hey," I hugged her, "what are you doing here?" 

"came to see how everything is going," she looked so different, over the summer she and Logan had broken up, they dated all senior year and most of the summer before. Mars seems sad and not as fun and perky anymore, I think she really liked him. Marianna has dyed her hair since the last time I saw her. 

"You dyed your hair?" 

"ya, you like?"

"I love it. The blue looks so good on you. Why did you do it?" 

"Needed a change, I was tired of being a blonde," she smiled, 

"Hey Em, where does thi-" Logan walked into the kitchen where Marianna and I had been talking, "Mars, you dyed your hair, I like it,"

"ya thanks," she scurried away,

"on the counter Logan,"  I ran after Marianna, the reason they broke up was that Marianna walked in on Logan with his ex. He said he wasn't cheating and that she was just getting some of her stuff but Marianna said that they were kissing. 

"Hey, sorry. I needed help moving and I am not paying him," I tried to get her to laugh.

"I still love him," she admitted, "And I want to forgive him but I would hate myself I did,"

"Have you talked to him? let him explain? he told me she was just getting stuff from his place that she had left there,"

"they were kissing, I saw her wrap her arms around his neck," she cried more,

"I don't know, I wasn't there, but I think you should talk to him," 

she smiled and pulled me into another hug. 

"so, have you and Percy, you know, done the deed?" she asked pulling away from the hug

"one, I can't believe you just said 'done the deed' and two, no,"

"em, it's been over a year since you guys started dating, and over two since the twins were conceived, I am not trying to rush because everyone heals at a different pace, but he has been more than patient," 

"I know and I feel horrible, I have tried but every time his hand lingers in a place too long I picture that night and it so scary, the therapy helped with the nightmares but I can't stop my brain from going back to that night,"  

"You need to remember that Ace raped you, Ace hurt you, not Percy, Percy is the one helping you heal," she hugged me again, "I gotta go, but remember that," 


About an hour after Marianna left my mom came in and started unpacking the kitchen, she had boughten the kitchen supplies for me as a house warming gift. I told her she didn't need to but she insisted. 

"Hey, hun?" My mom called from the kitchen, "did you want the cups in this one for the plates?"

"doesn't matter as long as the girls can't reach," I explained. The girls were now three and a half years old and that meant they touched everything. 

"Alright, why don't you start putting the girl's rooms together?"

"I want to paint them first, Aria wants pink and Amberly wants yellow. I was going to buy paint tomorrow and get Percy to help me,"

"ok, wanna help me in here?" I nodded. 

"Hey, Em, what room is the living room?" Logan asked walking into the kitchen. 

"the living room is the one to the left of the bathroom, and that box goes to the bathroom not the living room," 

"Oh," he smiled and walked back to the door. That boy confused me sometimes.  

the rest of the day was spent getting the boxes off the truck and unpack,  my mom, dad, Logan Percy and I all got the kitchen and the living room done. Tomorrow Percy and I are going to buy paint and paint the twin's rooms and mine.


CHAPTER 6!!!! these are getting shorter only so I have more chapters to upload. the next few chapters will be like this.

 the next few chapters will be like this

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