Chapter 17

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When she arrived at her destination, it was around midnight. She stopped her car in the parking of an apartment building. Jamal was already there waiting and when he saw them, he started walking in their direction.

"Were not you just going to question him?" he said when they got out of the car.

"I wish things could be that easy with him." Sara said with a bit of hidden meaning in her tone which Aryan understood clearly. He knew that after seeing her diary she was disturbed and that was justified too. "Anyways, where is your apartment?" she asked.

"It's on the second floor." He said while they started moving towards stairs.

The building was an average kind of place but it was located in one of the safe areas of the city. After climbing up the stairs for two floors, they were in front of his apartment and went inside. Once they were inside his apartment, he told them "This house has two rooms one bed room and other one there is a guest room so I have set the guest room for him." He pointed towards the room at one corner of the apartment.

"Can I have a glass of water?" She asked Jamal out of the blue. In reality she was not thirsty but just wanted to talk to Aryan in private before leaving.

"Sure, you guys can sit in the drawing room while I grab some water." He said and left them both alone.

"Aryan Sikander! it's better for both of us that you don't escape this place now. Your security has already been compromised and we don't know who else is involved." She stopped and added, "Also, you are not alone now, you have a kid to look after so don't take anymore stupid decisions." She told him in a warning tone.

"What my kid has to do anything with all this?" he said in an offensive tone.

"Your kid has no part in this from your end but if your enemy knows about him, he will definitely target him." She tried to reason with him. "And one thing more, if you try to escape this time, I will personally make sure that you are found by your enemy so that you can stop being my headache." She said the last part with finality.

"If I am that much of a headache for you then why are you, hell bent on saving me? What were you doing at my house tonight?" he added the last part with suspicion.

"I am not gonna explain myself again to you. I already told you if I had wanted you dead then you would have been dead by now. I was there to question you simply." She stated the truth.

"So, you still want to know who wants me dead?" he questioned.

"Obviously, but not today. I have had enough of the day; I just want you to stick to this place and not bother him too." She said while looking at Jamal who had just entered with a jug and glasses of water. Although, he had lived alone for a long time but he still was a decent guy and knew how to treat guests as his mother always used to teach him that "Guests are a blessing of Allah."

"Don't worry. I can't be bothered and you know this better than anyone else." He said with a smile and gave her a glass of water.

"You better keep an eye on him and don't let him escape like the last time." She told him while drinking water.

"You can count on me this time Senorita; I will lock him up in this house even if I had to." He added with a grin which annoyed her.

Aryan who was watching the whole scene silently got a bit annoyed too but he could not understand his reason of getting annoyed. "Maybe I am just tired of all the chaos." He thought to himself but little did he knew that there was a spark in him for her which was about to get ignited because no matter what she had been a girl who was once in his reach and seeing her happy with someone else could make him uneasy easily. That was his own nature which he yet had to discover.

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