Chapter 1

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It was 3 o' clock in the morning. Everyone in the house was sleeping except her. Due to a nightmare she woke up a few minutes ago. Her entire body was covered in sweat. She was lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. It had been a routine for her for the last three years. Every night she first had trouble sleeping and when she did sleep she was soon woken up by a nightmare. Having a peaceful sleep was an inaccessible luxury for her. She sat on the bed to calm herself.

She got up from the bed and drank water from the bottle that was placed on the nightstand. She went to the window and looked towards the sky. It was clear with a full moon. She stared at the moon with sad eyes. There was once a time when she used to look at the moon with admiration. She used to think of him and smile while looking at it. Now it only increased her sadness and pain.

She moved away from the window and went to the washroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a white trouser and T shirt. Her eyes had dark circles that were a clear proof of her restless nights. She was never extra ordinarily beautiful but still she was attractive. Her features were sharp and her eyes were the most striking feature in her face. They had always been deep and mysterious never betraying her emotions. They were no doubt secretive. With the course of time they had become more deep and silent. But at the same time they were saying a lot that no one was able to understand until now.

She washed her face and brushed her teeth. She came back to her bedroom and turned on her laptop to complete her office work. She had to make a report about the survey they had yesterday. It was 4:30 in the morning when she was done with her work. She got up for ablution when she heard Fajar prayer call. She offered her prayers and went downstairs to the gym. No one was in the gym as usual. She was the only one who woke up this early. By the time she was done with her gym routine it was 6:30 AM.

She went back to her room to get dressed for work. She had ironed her dress last night. She took a shower and changed her clothes. She was wearing a blue trouser shirt with a white dupata.

She picked up her stuff and went to the kitchen. Khan Baba was there. He had been in this house for past three years. He was in his fifties now. His face held affection. She had never seen him being rude to anyone. He was a very respectable person for her.

"Assalam o Alaikum! Khan Baba. How are you?" She said and sat on the stool near kitchen counter placing her stuff on the counter.

"Wa lai ku mus salam! Sara beta. I am fine," he replied softly.

"How is your fever now? Did you take medicines?" She inquired him.

"Han g beta I am perfectly fine now and thanks for bringing me medicines," he replied. He knew she was a really caring girl in spite of the fact what she does. "What would you like to have for breakfast?" He asked her.

"A cup of coffee would be fine." She replied.

"Alright. But beta you should have something else for breakfast too. Look at yourself. You are becoming weak day by day. You don't take care of yourself at all," he was scolding her softly like a father.

"Khan Baba I'm perfectly fine. And trust me I'm not hungry at all. You know I'm not one of those who live to eat but the one who eats to live," she said flatly. She did not mean to be rude but couldn't help it.

"As you say beta," Khan Baba looked a bit disappointed.

She felt bad for answering him like that. But she told him the fact. It was true that she ate very little. Her only good eating habits were having milk before sleeping and taking juice while doing exercise because she needed her body and mind to be strong for her clandestine tasks.

"Here is your coffee," she snapped out of her thoughts when Khan Baba gave her the coffee.

"When did Umar and Hassan came last night?" She asked him.

"As usual they came at about 5 o' clock in the morning after their shift was over," he replied.

"And what about others? Where are they?"

"Saniya said she is taking a day off today. Irum is getting ready for her work. Zavyar is out of station for investigation."

She nodded. After finishing her coffee she got up and picked her stuff. She went outside and got into her car. She started driving towards her office. So this was how her day used to start.

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