Chapter 13

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They all went down to the basement where the twin assassins were held captive. By looking at the upper story of that place one would think that it was just an abandoned building without a basement as they hid the basement door well. Basement was not a pleasant space to be in. That was once a real prison cell where criminals or prisoners from the wars were held captive. That place had seen many people suffer. Some of them really deserved to be in those cells and the others were just caught in the cross fire.

The place was dark and depressing like it was telling the tales of the tortures that those cells had witnessed and heard. There were numerous cells in there and they had made two cells functional for themselves when they discovered that place. There was one escape tunnel in there and only they were aware of that route.

As they entered one of the cells, she saw that both of them were tied up to the opposite walls. There were chains around their wrists and ankles. There were chairs and a table too in that cell. They were gaining their consciousness. She asked Hassan and Umar to take out one of them to the other cell and keep an eye on him.

After they took him to the other cell, she turned to the one who was left in the room. He was fully conscious by then and looking at his surroundings or more like was analyzing the place. He was surely looking for an escape route and calculating his moves but that was not possible for him to beat all of them and make it alive out of that place and if he was thinking of any such thing then he surely was a fool.

"So, let's not beat around the bush and come to the topic directly." She said while dragging a chair and sitting in front of the man. "Who hired you to kill him?" she stated the question directly looking into his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" he stated flatly. His answer made her furious she had had enough of all that crap by then. First Aryan and now that jerk in front of her. She stood up from the chair and gestured Zaviyar who got her signal and started beating the scum bag who was tied to the wall.

She went to the second cell while Jamal followed him. The other one was in the same condition and tied to the wall. She bent down to get to his level and asked him the same question and his same reply just rose her anger. He told Hassan and Umar both to try their luck and came out of the cell.

The whole basement was echoing with their screams while they were being beaten. Zaviyar was clearly taking out his frustration on the man and so were Hassan and Umar but she was least bothered by those screams, her mind was drifted to so many other thoughts that she was even unable to separate them at that moment.

In past she used to torture people by herself and in fact she enjoyed torturing them but that time was gone. She had tamed herself and her monsters but little did she knew that we can only tame the external monsters not the inner ones because they are in control of our emotions which we can lose anytime. It just takes us a moment of joy or sorrow and our emotions take charge of us unleashing the monsters inside us.

She saw Ashir coming down stairs with some papers in his hand. He was looking serious and worried from his face. He looked at her and did not give his smile that was his habit whenever he used to see her.

"What's wrong?" she asked him as he approached her.

"Every freaking thing is wrong." He said with an angry voice and handed her the file which contained his research about the twins.

"What did you find about them that made you so furious?" she asked him.

"It's not about them. It's about you damn it." He shot back and she understood what he was talking about.

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