Chapter 3

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Next day when she woke up, Saniya told her at the breakfast that Zaviyar had come back the previous night when she was at the party. So, later that night they had a meeting after dinner in the presentation room that was specific for such purposes.

Standing beside the small projector was Zaviyar. He was a tall guy with black eyes, black hair and dark complexion. He worked at a private software house. When everyone was seated in the room, he started the conversation.

"So, we all know why we are here? Right!" he said in a calm tone.

Everyone nodded in response.

"About ten days ago we were given an assignment about Mr. Kirmani. So I went to Multan to get information about him," he paused and turned towards the project screen.

"So here is the information that I got on this man," he continued as everybody looked at the screen.

On screen the bio data of Mr. Kirmani was stated that said

Name Kirmani Khan

Fathers Name Akbar Khan

Nationality Pakistani

Family Wife and two children (sons)

Hometown Multan

Profession Business man

"This is the information that we already know Zaviyar. It came with the assignment from the handler," Hassan said in a bit bored tone.

"Yeah he's right. What is the information that you got on the assignment?" Saniya said.

"Relax guys I am moving to that part too," Zaviyar said trying to calm them down and added "As I was saying that this is our assignment and we were told that he is in rivalry with a business man. That business man is the one who wants Mr. Kirmani gone for good." Zaviyar sighed and continued "Well according to my information and sources our dear Mr. Kirmani is handling illegal business behind the scene. In fact he had a conflict on a drug deal with this other business man. And not to forget it was a big conflict as neither of the parties were ready to give on the stock of the drugs. But at the end Mr. Kirmani had the drugs and his rival suffered great losses in this deal."

"Now this business man wants him dead not because of apparent conflict of interest but because it's a drugs deal gone wrong," Irum commented.

"Exactly and here are some of his places where he carries out his drug deals," Zaviyar moved further with the presentation.

"So this man satisfies our criteria of being killed," Sara remarked with a smirk.

"Do you have a plan? How are we gonna complete this task?" Umar asked.

"Yes." Zaviyar replied "Nowadays he is hiring extra security because he knows his life is in danger and I have news that our client threatened to kill him when the deal went wrong."

"If it's official that our client threatened to kill him then why is he doing this? If we kill him our client would be the number one suspect in this case. So why does he want him dead?" Irum questioned.

"It's pretty simple Irum the deal was illegal. So only drug dealers know about it and it was not official. Secondly our client is well off and powerful enough that authorities would not be able to prove anything against him." Sara replied and added with a hint of anger and disgust "That's how our gory system works. Criminals always get away easily with their crime and the victims are left behind to face the consequences."

"That's true Sara. Anyways Zaviyar you were saying that this man is under high security these days but we don't want to create any mess so how are we gonna put this man to rest?" Irum inquired.

"Well there is a party in a couple of days in Karachi. Basically it's a party held by one of the drug lords of Karachi. Mr. Kirmawni is also invited to this party and to spread his business here he is surely gonna attend this party." Zaviyar told them.

"Bakra khud chal k a rha ha qurabani k ly." Hassan commented.

"Well you can say that. In such parties the host tries to entertain his guests in every possible way. Mr. Kirmani is one of those who fully benefit themselves with such entertainments." Zaviyar said in a meaningful way.

"Like every other jerk out there he also lets down his guards when he is with a woman." Sara said.

"Yes, he has booked a room for himself in the hotel in which the party is being held. So we just have to lure him to his death trap," Zaviyar said.

"Have you contacted anyone who is going to entertain them at the party?" Umar queried.

"Yes, here is the number of one of the girls that are going to that party. I have offered her money to lure him to that room. Once she does that her job is done and she would leave the room." Zaviyar said.

"After that I would kill the bastard," Sara said calmly.

"I would take care of the surveillance cameras of the place. But once you kill him we need to get out of the place quickly to avoid any kind of trouble." Zaviyar said.

"Hassan and I would be waiting outside in the car for you guys." Umar said.

"The rest of us would make sure that no one notices you or comes in your way." Irum said.

"Sounds like a good plan. When exactly is this party Zaviyar?" Saniya questioned.

"The day after tomorrow i.e. 25th of September, in the evening," Zaviyar replied.

"Alright then on that day we would head to the safe house after our day at the office and get this job done. Hassan and Umar you guys have to take one day leave from your work. And our required equipment for the job is present there. I reequipped the things after our last task," Sara informed the rest of the people.

After that they all went to their beds since they were too tired to have a further discussion about any other subject at the moment.


Sara searched the newspaper bearing date of 26th of September, for a particular news and there she found it on the front page. It stated

"Mr. Kirmani, the famous business man was found dead in a hotel room last night. According to initial police reports he was shot in the head. Police has not identified the murderer yet. There are rumors that he was killed in a business rivalry but nothing has been confirmed by the police until now............"

Sara frowned on seeing that the news did not mention her note again that she had left on the crime scene that said "Visited by Death". She was disappointed that the police had once more hid that note from the media. They were doing that because they did not want to admit similar killings for which they had not been able to capture the culprit. She knew the police department was clueless about the person who was responsible for these killings and she was enjoying the fact. All they knew was that "The Death" was some assassin who had scored the highest position among assassins. They did not even know whether the assassin was a male or a female? Was the person working alone or in a group? She smiled at this. It was not a cheerful smile but a sarcastic one.

So this is what she really was: an assassin, who kills people for money. She was the best one at her job. In a short time she has gained the highest position among assassins. But there was one rule that she and her partners always followed "Never kill an innocent person." That's why a thorough investigation was carried out for every assignment, to make sure that in one way or another the person was guilty. They were paid through a handler. He was the only one who knew her real identity. Each one of them spent their part of the remuneration in their own way. No one ever questioned each other about spending ones share of this income. Sara never thought about having this life. But who can escape from fate? She was one of those who was being surprised by fate and the world in the worst ways possible.

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