Chapter 8

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The next day she choose to wear black pants with white shirt, as she had a formal presentation that day. She went to kitchen and told Khan Baba that she would be late for dinner that night. He nodded his head as a sign of acknowledgement and did not ask her the reason because that was not his concern.

At that day she had to present a project report in front of board of executives. She did pretty well during the presentation. Everybody was happy with her performance and they were thinking about offering her promotion because she was one of their best employees.

After her office she did not go back home instead she went to a nearby cafe to have something to eat, as she still had time before her meeting. At 6:30pm she parked her car in the parking lot of an abandoned building, 1km outside the city. She waited in the car and after five minutes she saw another black car approaching her. Once the second car had stopped a few meters away from hers, she came out and headed towards the black one. She opened the passenger seat and got in.

"So, how are you?" she said after sitting into the passenger seat.

"Why did you turn down the contract?" the man on the driving seat asked while turning his face towards her.

"Always straight to the point." She remarked with a smile and turned her head towards him too. "I did not feel like killing him." she shrugged.

"I want the straight answer Sara. It's more complicated than you think." He said getting impatient.

"What happened Mr. Kashif?" she asked frowning.

"Since when have I been your handler?" he asked out of the blue.

"Ever since I became a professional assassin. Why are you asking this?" she asked inquisitively.

"Do you trust me?" he asked in a serious tone.

"Do I have any other option?" she counter questioned him. "Anyways tell me what the matter is now?" She asked getting annoyed by the question answer session.

"You cannot turn down the contract like this." He said looking out of the wind shield.

"Says who?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

"Listen to me first." He said with a hint of anger in his tone. "The moment you turned down the contract I knew something was coming. That's why I wanted to talk to you. I got a call this morning stating that the client is willing to offer double the previous amount. And....." he stopped and thought about his next statement.

"And what?" she asked anxiously.

"And if you don't fulfill the contract there will be consequences against you." He said with a sigh.

"What type of consequences?" she knew the consequences but asked him to confirm her doubts.

"Do you remember Qasim who was the best assassin before you?" he asked.

"Yes, I do remember him. I was the one who killed him." she said remembering the moment she had put him to his death bed.

"He had rejected a job because he wanted more than money from the client." She remembered that Qasim had become obsessed with his client's daughter and he wanted her as payment of the assignment.

"Those who reject task for some known or unknown reasons are considered rouges and are eliminated." He told her in a worried tone.

"Oh! It means if I don't eliminate the target, I will be the target." She said sarcastically.

"Exactly! And I don't want that to happen that is why I want to know the reason for the rejection." He asked her once again.

"You know I follow certain rules and one of them is to never kill an innocent and he is an innocent." She finally told him.

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