Chapter 7

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"Alright. What's that brought you here?" he asked boldly.

"About a month ago, a contract in your name was handed to me." she began observing him cautiously. "It was the contract to execute you." She saw his face changed color and this time he didn't hide it. Was that worry that she saw on his face? Whatever that was, she was enjoying that.

"So, you are here to fulfill your contract?" he asked while leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. His action was like he was embracing himself for the worst that was about to come. At that moment he looked vulnerable like never before. At that very instant she had the sudden urge to really accomplish the task of executing him. But that was not what she intended to do in the first place. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts.

"Does it look like that to you?" she counter questioned him.

"I don't know." he shrugged. "I am sure you have feelings against me. The feelings, which can make you kill me for what had been done." he stated the bitter truth. It was his quality, once he started speaking truth he could be merciless and ruthless about that no matter against whom it would be.

"Well, if it had been the matter, then let me assure you this you wouldn't be still breathing Mr. Aryan Sikander." she said looking into his eyes with a satisfied smirk on her face.

By the way she stated that, he knew she was not bluffing. But he was still unable to comprehend her purpose of visiting him, if it was not for completing the contract.

"Then why are you here?" he asked growing impatient.

"Curiosity killed the cat?" she said while tilting her head and smiling.

"Enough with your games Sara. Why the bloody hell you showed up here?" he said a little loud losing his patience. He was a patient person but only when he was the one holding all the cards. Right now, the girl sitting in front of him was defeated and broken by him years ago. He also knew that she had been dead for years and never expected her to come back but there she was. Fate had brought her there. He was sensing that this time she was the one who had all the control and he hated the fact. He never liked it when others had control of the situation.

"Alright!" she said with a sigh. "I came here to ask you who possibly had put that contract?" she finally stated the question that was bugging her for the last few days.

"And what makes you think that I will give you the answer?" he stated flatly.

"What does that supposed to mean?" she asked quizzically. She had not expected that from him but again when was the last time he had fulfilled her expectations. The answer was only when he was deceiving her years ago.

"It's simple Sara. I know you hate me. For all I know you could be telling a lie all along about the contract. It could be a way of knowing about my enemies so you can form an alliance against me. As it is that friend of enemy is a friend of mine" he said calmly.

"You think everyone is like you, a liar and a cheat." she shot back.

"If you are telling the truth then why are you here asking me this question instead of putting a bullet through my head? We both know you despise me this much that it won't be a problem for you." he asked the question that was infuriating him.

"I would be more than happy to do that but unlike you I am bound to certain rules and values." she replied through greeted teeth.

"May be you are using your so called rules to cover up something else." he said knowing he was hitting her nerve.

"And what exactly that something else is?" she asked more like daring him to answer her.

"Love is hard to forget especially when your emotions are pure." he was about to say something else too but was stopped by her sudden outburst.

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