Chapter 9

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From her words the boy standing at the door understood that something serious was going on and had crossed her limits too. It had been like this for long now, whenever things got to her nerves and seemed out of control she used to come to him and pour her heart out.

"Yeah sure!" he said and stepped aside to let her in. He was surprised to see her at his door steps after a long time in that state though. When she got in, he closed the door and followed her inside the apartment. It was a small apartment that had an open kitchen at its right while entering from the main door. It was a simple kitchen that had three counters one of which had stove at it while the other one had sink. The third one was free and had two chairs in front of it where people can sit and have food. There were many cabinets in there and a small fridge at its one corner. At the left side of the house there was an open TV lounge where a sofa set was placed along with a television set. There was a window besides the television which opened to the balcony. From the window one can easily see the outside view of the city and the traffic that was giving life to it. At the end of apartment there were two doors one on each side facing each other and one of them was the door to the bedroom or more like the work place for the owner of the apartment while the other one was a spare bedroom.

She walked to the sofa to sit there. She threw her head at the back of it and closed her eyes. She really felt like a warrior who had been fighting in the war for a long time and every time he seemed close to the victory he was thrown back to the square one to fight from the beginning. He also sat on the nearby sofa and watched her silently. Minutes passed by and neither of them spoke anything. Finally the boy broke the silence and said "It's been a long time since you last came here in this state Sara."

"Seems like this state is not gonna leave me to peace ever." She said bitterly.

"So, what happened this time?" he inquired.

"Do you have something strong to drink? Something that will make me forget every bloody damn thing that ever happened." She asked, still her eyes closed.

She always asked that type of question whenever she was at the verge of her patience. He knew very well how much she hated drugs and alcohols because according to her these things were worse than suicide as they kill a person slowly. She always hated addictions of the stuffs that could ruin a person's life be it financially or morally and in her point of view drugs and alcohols did the both. But when she asked that type of things that meant she wanted to get ruined, so she would have no conscious left.

"Yeah, why not? I have a whole lot of them." He replied smirking. Both of them knew that none of that conversation was real, that was all beating around the bush to buy her time to come to the main topic.

She opened her eyes and brought out chocolates from the pocket of her pants. She had bought that on her way to there because she knew how much he liked them.

"Here, it's for you." She said while giving them to him.

He took them and smiled. "Thanks dude. So, what is it this time?" he asked again.

She took a sigh, got up and went to kitchen. "You have changed the setting of the kitchen I wanna make tea." She said looking at him from the kitchen.

He knew that was a cup of tea thing. They used to have serious discussion while having tea. That used to keep their thoughts focused at the point. He also got up and helped her prepare tea. After making tea they came back to sofas and sat there with their cups of tea. She stared in the blank for some time like she was weighing words to begin with.

"I met him Ashir." She finally said.

"Met who?" he asked rising his eye brow.

"Him" she stated as a matter of fact. She knew he could understand what she meant by him.

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