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A/N: This is chapter two but in Joe's POV.

Joe's POV.

Monday isn't one of my favourite days, for the fact that I have to go to school and above all, wake up early. I seriously hate it. I groan as the alarm goes off at 6.30. I turn it off and decide to spend some more minutes sleeping.

"Joe, I know you are back in bed. Get the hell up and get ready," shouts mom.

I get out of bed lazily and saunter to the bathroom. I don't want to annoy mom, because she's the woman I'll always love, together with my sisters. Not that I'll ever let them know.

I take my shower and get dressed. I go to the dinning room and have a quick breakfast. Moana is already in the car with dad, so I just join them and we head to school. I'm still waiting for the day I get my own car, which by the way is not far.

The moment I enter the school building, Riana, a blonde with blue eyes, jumps right in front of me. She has been trying to lure me into dating her for months but I'm just not interested.

And she doesn't seem to understand that. Yeah well, I do hook up with a million girls every now and then, but she just doesn't make me feel the vibe. She is pretty though. And boy, her voice really gets the worst of me.

"Morning sweetie, how was your night?" She asks.

"It was marvellous, but I need to get to class now."

"Since when do you care about class?"

"Since today." I walk on and surprisingly, she doesn't follow me. Good. Now I can meet up with the guys.

I go into the gym and find them seated already. Darell, Luke, Austin, Jayden, Eric and Zayn. I find them talking about skipping the last class of the day to go have fun in the soccer field.

"Hey Joe, t'sup man," Darell asks.

"Just ready to have some fun."

"Did she come at you again? Dude, I don't know what you are going to do about that girl," says Jayden, obviously referring to Riana. Jayden is Moana's boyfriend, BTW.

"I don't know either, but I won't take her for anything," I say, pretty determined.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a whore, as people would like to call me, but hey, why should I say no to some getting laid which is free. No hustle, no what. But much as I sleep with anyone, I still got class. And Riana is certainly not part of it. I will have gone mad if I accept her. Oh, and yes, i don't date.

We go for our classes, though of course I don't really like classes. The teacher enters and he starts speaking. Blah blah blah...."and the French revolution..." Blah blah blah. "I'm giving you an exercise... blah blah blah..." And there goes the rest of the lesson.

After lunch break, when these lowlifes have gone for classes, my crew and I head to the soccer field, our usual hangout area. Only this time we are not alone. As we round a corner, we notice some two girls sitting in the bleachers.

"Let's pay 'em a visit," Darell says. We change direction and head to the bleachers. As the other guys loom behind them, I choose to stand in front of them.

I look at one of the girls. Her face looks way too familiar. Where have I seen her? And it was most definitely not at school. That's when it hits me. I finally recognise that face. She's the girl that bumped into me the other day and fell on her butt. I smile inwardly to the memory. I wonder if she recognises me. I must admit, she is more beautiful than the last I saw her.

"Hmm as you can see, we are relaxing. No class stress," the other girl beside her answered. Princess keeps her mouth shut. I want her to say something. I want to here that beautiful voice again.

"I like you already," says Darell, "we are gonna be good friends."

I walk away together with my friends. I feel like I want to look back but I can't. Classes end at around 3, but I stay at the soccer field. The other guys say goodbye. I stay seated.

Naughty images pop into my head. I imagine her lips locked onto mine, taking off her clothes and see whatever she's hiding underneath. I can see us in bed, doing all sorts of... Fuck, what is happening to me? I need to get laid tonight. And I know who to call. Bianca, one of Riana's minions.

I get my phone and dial a number. She picks up at the second ring. "Oh hey babes, mind if we meet tonight? I would really like some more of that honey."

"You can come by the hotel. I'll be waiting," she says. Good. Now I'll stop fantasising about a certain someone. What's her name anyway? I'll find out sooner or later.

I enter the school building. The halls are empty as most students were already gone. As I turn into a corner, I stop in my tracks. She is standing, no, cleaning her locker. I watch her for a while, admiring the way she bends when she's picking up some equipment. I can already imagine her bent over a desk. Her nice round ass in my hands...Fuck. What the hell am I doing?

I snap out of my fantasy. I walk up to her and bump my shoulder on hers as I pretend that I am just walking. I turn around and face her.

"Hey, watch where you are go___" she stops mid sentence. I smirk a little.

"Like what you see?" I ask.

"In your dreams," she states.

"Oh, c'mon princess. Who wouldn't want this," I say gesturing to myself, "I know you want this."

"One, my name is NOT princess. Two, not every girl can fall for your...charms. Certainly not me."

"So you are saying that I'm hot," I can already see a path leading her into my bed. A smirk crops onto my face. God, how I want to do dirty things to her.

And I've only just met her. But that's what I do, isn't it?

"I never said that. If you may excuse me, I have somewhere else to be." And she walks away, her hips swaying side to side, making a certain someone excited. She's playing hard to get. But not for long.

I walk towards the school entrance and meet a very fuming Moana in the parking lot.

"If you have plans of making out or doing whatever you do after school, then I highly suggest that you inform me so that I don't waste my time waiting for you." She states.

Later at night, I get crazy with Bianca. She can be good at this stuff. I like her for it.

But unfortunately for me, I still can't get a little someone off my head. The hell. I just met this girl, whoever she is. I have to get her in bed as soon as possible. Before I lose my mind at least.

My Best Friend's BrotherUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum