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Erica's POV

Jaime has been the perfect boyfriend for the past one and a half months. I won't complain about anything because there's nothing to complain about.

He has been very patient with me, doing everything at my own pace.

He took me on dates every now and then. I can say I know half the restaurants in this town. We also had some little trips to different sites.

He used to have dinner over at the house sometimes. I really appreciate his efforts. Though Joe has been a total dick to him.

Hell knows what is wrong with that dude. But ever since that night, I made sure to stay away from him. It has helped in one way or another.

He never actually stopped bringing girls to his room. He brings one each night. You can imagine what I go through considering I sleep just next door to him.

Jaime invited me to his house sometime last week and he tried to take things to another level with me. Not that I don't want to, I'm just not ready. Good thing he understood me.

I sit at the dining table which is, thanks to God, Joe and actually guy-free. I haven't seen Joe for the better part of the day.

I'm going to come out and say this. Much as I hate that dude, I can't help but miss him. Really, I don't know what's wrong with me. I mean, I have a boyfriend but then I tend to miss another man. I really am messed up.

"What plans do you have for today?" Moana asks me.

"Uh...I'm going over to Jaime's, why?"

"Forget it. Go have fun." She waves it off.

I shrug and continue eating my bacon. I help Laura do the dishes, which is a first because I've never seen her do the dishes before.

I walk over to Jaime's place. It's really a step or two down from the mansion. It's simple, but homey. And modest.

Jaime greets me with a kiss at the door before looping his arm around my waist and guiding me inside.

He leads me over to the kitchen island where I sit on one of the stools.

"What are you preparing?" I ask.

"Just some popcorn for the movies." He smiles, showcasing his perfect teeth.

"I can't wait." I rub my hands together in anticipation. He chuckles at my action.

"Trust me, sweetheart, you are going to love everything I'm gonna do to you today." He rakes his gaze over me and I feel a shudder run throughout my body.

"Should I run?"

"You can try."

Soon,we are seated on a couch in his movie room. I cradle into his arms, seeking for the promising warmth.

The Hunger Games plays for the better half of the hour and the popcorn is finished.

Jaime excuses himself to go make some more and I remain in the dark room with only the screen providing light.

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