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Erica's POV

Monday comes in a blur. School time. Ugh.

I wear a short white skirt and a sleeveless pink top with a ribbon at the front and light white sweater. My black hair is tied up in a high ponytail. Dad drives us to school.

We are directed to the principal's office where we get our schedules. I head to my new locker and oh boy, whoever used this thing, sure was yuck. Now I have another job of cleaning it up.

"Hey," said a melodious voice behind me and I jump, almost hitting my head on the door of the locker.

"Goodness, you startled me." I whisper yell while turning around. I thought it is Star but it is...wait for it...the pretty girl I found at the restaurant.

"Sorry," she says with a wide smile. "My name is Moana, BTW."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm_____"

"I know, Erica, right?" she interjects, still with that sweet scary wide smile on her face. I am completely surprised at that. Bitch knows my name. Would you look at that. "Let's get you to your class, shall we? Maths is it?" Gee, I have a big fan here alright. She leads the way down the hall until she stops in front of a door.

"Well, here we are. See you at lunch break," she says while walking away. Holy, I mutter under my breath. Okay, what just happened. I enter inside the room and sit at the very back.

The bell rings and different students enter the room, chatting probably about the weekend. Man I hate Maths. So I spend the rest of the lesson drawing designs in my notebook. Sometimes I think that maybe I will be a designer, but then again, dad wants me to be a doctor. I'm pretty sure I'll be the worst doctor in the whole wide world.

I find Star seated with Candy, her new friend, in the cafeteria.

"Erica, get your ass over here." She shouts at me. The moment I reach the table, I am literally dragged to sit down, almost pouring my lunch on the tiled floor.

"What's up?" I ask, whilst making myself comfortable on a rather uncomforting seat.

"Well, for starters I've already got a few guys trying to hitting on me___"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. It's our first day in this school and you are already hooking up with guys." I say in disbelief.

"Who said I've accepted them. They are just not my type." She states.

Just then, Moana walks over to our table, with a plateful of salad. She sits beside me. "So how were your classes?" She asks.

"They were okay, I guess,"

"Moana, aren't you supposed to be with the Rps?" Candy asks.

"Oh, they annoy me. I've decided to take a break from them and spend time with my new friend." She answers and smiles at me. Friend?? Okay. She is really pretty now that I take a good look at her.

"But...they will try to make a scene," Candy insists.

"Oh, Candice, don't worry about them."

"Okay...who the hell are the Rps?" I ask, totally lost.

"It's a group of the richest and popular girls in school. They are 7, with Moana included. Trust me they always want to create a scene," Candy explains.

"Oh__" God, I hate being interrupted.

"Moana, what the hell are you doing here?" A sharp squeaky voice asks behind me.

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