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Joe's POV

I sit by Erica, who's unfortunately still in a comma. It's been three and a half months in counting. That poison got her really bad and made it harder for her to recover sooner.

Denise hasn't been found yet. And she doesn't show her face to me or else God knows what I'll do to her.

She hasn't tried anything yet. But I'm sure she'll do something sooner or later.

A movement in my hand catches my attention. One of Erica's fingers is twitching. Is she...?

"Oh my God! Erica, are you awake? C'mon baby, I'm here," I ask frantically.

The doctor. I've to get the doctor. This must be a sign. My baby is coming back to me.

The doctor comes in a few minutes later. He asks me what happened and starts checking her up.

"Let's make a few more tests before I give you any news," he says.

Oh, come on.

I really can't do anything. I'm not the doctor after all. I walk out of the room and call mother. I let her know of the progress. Or what I think is the progress.

Moana comes in an hour later. She has brought for me a change of clothes and some coffee.

"Wow, you look like shit," she retorts.

A bypassing woman with a little girl gives her a dirty look before whisking her kid away.

"You should really mind your language in here. There little children moving here and there," I tell her.

"Whatever! Look at you. It's like you have grown fifty years older. Do you want Erica to wake up and find you looking like a hideous beast?"

"Now that you put it that way, I should freshen up."

"And have some sleep."

"Oh no, I'm not leaving this place. With Erica, finally showing some signs, I cannot leave."


"Didn't mother tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Erica moved her finger. I think she's coming back to us finally. I can't wait to hold her in my arms, smell her gorgeous hair. I just can't wait!"


"Mr Frost. I have the test results. All her organs are stable. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. We'll keep a closer eye on her for the next forty eight hours." The doctor reports.

"Isn't she going to wake up soon?" I ask.

"We are not certain she's going to wake up any time soon."

"But what about her moving a finger? Isn't that a good sign that she's coming back?"

"I wouldn't rely too much on that fact…"

"But she moved a finger, doctor!" I yell.

Moana comes around and places her hands on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

"That was just an involuntary movement of her muscles. She hasn't been able to use her body so that is expected to happen. I will let you know of any progress. Please excuse me!"

"But she moved a finger," I whisper, tears welling in my eyes.

Moana pulls me back towards the seats and sits me down.

"It's okay, Joe." She soothes.

"But she moved a finger," I cry. I lay my head on Moana's shoulder. "She moved a finger!"

"She's going to be alright. She loves you and she won't leave you for long, okay? She's going to come back soon."

I sit by Erica a few hours later, resting my head on her thighs whilst holding her hand.

"Why don't you want to come back to me, baby? I miss you so much. I'm sorry for ever leaving you the way I did. Just please don't give up on me," I cry.

I don't know how sleep overtook me, but when I wake up, I hear Erica murmuring a few words that I don't understand. Her eyes are still closed.

"Erica?" Oh God is everything okay? "Doctor!" I yell.

The doctor comes in with a few other nurses. He asks me to step outside. I immediately call mother and inform of her of what is happening. I then call Moana.

The doctor comes out smiling a few minutes later. There must be good news. Both my mother and Erica's mother are already here.

"You can come in. But please don't push her for information," The doctor states.

We all enter the room. Erica is sitting on the bed. She looks at us warily.

"My baby. You've come back to us." Her mother starts, tears welling up in her eyes.

To be honest everyone has tears in their eyes. Her mother walks closer and gives her hug, pecking her head. But surprisingly, Erica doesn't say anything.

"My dear, why aren't you saying anything? Are you alright?" My mother asks.

Erica shifts her eyes and looks at everyone. The room is dead silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Why are you silent?" Her mother asks.

"I don't know you. Who are you people?" Erica asks in soft yet rough voice.

Say what now?


Hey everybody.

I am terribly sorry for the way overdue update. It's just that I've been busy.

Thank you all for the love and support you have shown me.

I just can't believe I have 1.3K+ reads now.

Just, thank you.
And everyone who has given this crappy book a chance and read it. I'm humbled.🙏

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