Harry Potter- DRARRY

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Title: Teddy Bear

Type: Drabble

Anime/movie/book: Harry Potter

Pairing: Draco X Harry

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HP


Being a pureblood is not all fun and games. A pureblood must have etiquette, manners and grace. That's how hard it is, now Draco Malfoy, being the lover of the saviour of the wizarding world and the heir to the Malfoy Manor and the title ofcourse.

Now, all this stress and negative energy needs a positive source and ofcourse, being the lover of the kindest wizard, he was always given love and care, but it all lessened when it came.

The cute..fluffy...brown...fluffy..teddy bear, in which was given to him by the said Malfoy. Now, Draco Malfoy is not jealous, he just thinks that the teddy bear named Drarry was given too much attention!

Yeah right.

When this kind of things come, he will do plan B or in a longer term "Make Love to Harry and kill the bear while doing it-plan"

Yup, that's a great plan, right?

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