Desolation- Max x Damien

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Author's Note: Desolation is a book that a friend of mine wrote. Look it up ^.^    . It's by Sparble. Yes the username is Sparble. Look it up. It's amazing! It's not really a yaoi/boyx boy story but IT'S AMAZING. Hahahahaha. Tell me if you're reading it, we can bond and stuff. Yes, its in WP

Title: Petnames

Pairing: Maxamien (Max x Damien)

Book: Desolation

Genre: Humor, fluff?

Type: Short um...oneshot? Er.... drabshot?

Warning: AU, no edit.

(Damien POV)

"B-but Mikhail and Lawrence have them!" I nearly shouted. The woman beside me merely gave me a look of confusion. She must be wondering what I was talking about. Maybe I'll explain it to you later woman! "No buts Snyder. Though, I'd like to see yours. " The man in front of me smirked with twinkling eyes. Nope. Nope. Why are you looking at me like that! I blushed. I squared my shoulders, eyes glaring at the said man in front of me. "STOP IIIITTTTT" Whining, I gave a grunt. The woman beside us continued to stare. Mind your manners! Stop looking at me! "Don't get mad." I heard Chelle from the other side of the train. "I'M NOT MAD!"

"YES YOU ARE." Zeke shouted with a smile.

"GAHHHHHHHH" I screamed inwardly. Why am I stuck with such people!

The train gave a violent shake and with these thoughts in my mind, I lost my balance and fell to a hard chest. A really strong chest. Max gave a smirk, encircling his arms around me. "Now where were we?"

I blushed.


"N-nothing." I pouted as I averted my gaze from his face to (accidentally) the woman beside us. (Who keeps on staring at us. STAP IT WOMAN!) I was about to spout curses at the woman but fell short when I felt something or better yet, someone touching me. Wait, no let's rephrase that. I meant, someone groping me. My gaze fell to Max who was not so acting innocently. "Stop it." I whispered. He smirked in return. "Why, sweetie. I'm not doing anything."

"I said stop it!" I started hitting his chest. He ignored it.

I'm not boasting or anything but I work out. And I'm a tae kwon do and boxing champ! I'm a regular in taebo and even triathlons! "Stop it, love." He whispered to my ear. Oh my glob. His voice is f****** sexy...

"Maxxxxx" I gritted through my teeth. "Oh I think" This time, he started to move his hand...lower. Something snapped inside of me and without a second thought, I punched him. This time, he flew. Like really flew. He landed beside Alfred, Beverly, Mikhail and Lawrence. Hearing him groan, I quickly turned and walked towards Chelle,Irene, Zeke, Keith and Vince. "What happened?" Chelle decided to break the tension. "Nothing."

"Reallllllyyyy?" She decided to probe the tension. Not now Chelle! "I SAID NOTHING!"

"DON'T GET MAD DAMIEN." She decided to shout.

"I'm not mad!" I'mnotmad. I'mnotmad. I'mnotmad. I'mnotmad. I'mnotmad. I'mnotmad.

"Yes you are~" Mikhail decided to join in the fun.

"Frikkin hell. I said I'm not mad!"


"I'm sorry..." I said. Quite suddenly, I assume to everyone as they all stopped. At the same time. "OH MY! A PRETTY LIL STORE! LAWRENCE! LET US HAVE OUR DATE THERE! BYE" Mikhail shouted put suddenly. He walked off towards a quaint little restaurant, dragging Lawrence with him. "OH! THAT LOOKS GOOD!" Chelle too shouted and dragged Beverly and Alfred with her. "Nature calls~" Zeke laughed and , believe it or not, disappeared.  Vince and Keith were the last. They decided that Keith's smile and Vince's poker face was enough to say goodbye as they walked off towards a fancy love hotel, Keith clinging on Vince's arm. Wow. Fancy.

"I.... I'm sor-" and a kiss broke it.

"...I'm suppose to be the one to say sorry Damien." I blushed as he kissed my forehead. I nodded, smiled and held his hand.

"You're forgiven....Maxie" I gave a toothy grin.


And I punched him.

And again, he flew.

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