Assassin's Creed- Alt x Des

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excuses for not being able to update are valid...i think.

Title: Jealousy?

Pairing: AltxDes

Type: Drabble

Timeline: Modern AU (Alternate Universe)

Additional Info: pairing has started dating and They are still assassins.



Ah Yes CUDDLING ....

Desmond and Altair loves cuddling. Whether they were in their bed or even in a mission to kill a templar inside a cold cooold fortress, they would cuddle. They were both drifting on to the arms of relaxation when Desmond's phone rang. With the agility of an assassin, he picked it up and answered.



"Eh? Alright...Yup, I miss her too"

At this, Altair quietly tensed. What did his lover mean by 'her' ?

"Yeah. .. sleep with her and-" "....." "Yup... I kiss her so that she'll sleep better" Again, Altair raised an eyewbrow. His lover is kissing someone else?

Was...was Desmond cheating on him?

Altair was about to open his mouth but went against it as he saw Desmond frowning.

"Yeah.... Try sleeping with her and she'll calm down- wait..NO!... don't let her.... yes. " Desmond laughed playfully before continuing. "No Shaun, no sex is allowed" Again, he laughed.

Altair inwardly grimaced and paled. 'My habibi is cheating....?'

"She's a fucking dog. What the fuck do you think-"



A dog

He was jealous of a dog.

"Wipe that smirk of yours Altair.Yes, I'm not cheating on you."

How does he hear my thoughts? Altair mused

"Because you're thinking out loud." The younger smirked before giving a peck on his lips.

I just cant believe I was jealous of a fuckin dog

"Believe it"Desmond laughed

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