Chapter 12!

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Carlos's POV

I sighed as Mal, Evie, Jay and I went over the plan to steal the magic wand. Mal and I walked outside to see Ben and (Y/N) standing outside wanting for us. I sighed and smiled as I looked at (Y/N) because she was so beautiful. I walked to her and grabbed her hands as I said "you look so...beautiful." She smiled and said "thank you." We walked into the carriage that led to the chapel where the coronation was taking place. We started passing by people and waving as she said "are you excited to be going?" I nodded and said "yeah of course! Especially when I'm with you." She smiled and scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand to hold it. "Oh I made you something. You know just because you've been kinda stressed with everything. But I would wait to eat it after." She smiled and grabbed it from me and said "ooh it looks good! Thanks!" Then she ate it! "No (Y/N)!" I yelled as she started chewing it. " you still feel the same about me? Do you still like me?" I asked panicking. She smiled and diss "yeah of course. Why wouldn't I?" I looked confused as I whispered looking away "why didn't it work?" She must have heard me because she said "it didn't work because I actually like you Carlos. I heard you and the VKs talking about putting a love spell on Ben and I. It didn't work on me because I actually like you." I smiled and said "really?" She nodded and said "yeah. I mean how could I not like you?" I smiled and said "so wait? That's how a love spell works?" She laughed and said "yeah I'm guessing because the feelings I had for you when I met you have grown." We both laughed and we reached the chapel and I helped her out of the carriage and we walked inside with her hand wrapped around my arm.


Carlos and I went stand in our place and Mal came stand next to us. I smiled as I looked over at her and said "you look beautiful Mal." She smiled and said "you too." The choir started singing and Ben walked in and we curtsied to him. He looked over at me and smiled and I smiled back. He kneeled when he got to the front and fairy godmother walked up and got the wand and said "do you prince Benjamin solemnly swear to protect your kingdom and people for as long as you shall reign?" Ben waited a moment and then said "I do solemnly swear." Fairy godmother smiled and said "well it is my honor and my duty to present our new king." Just then I see Jane run and take the wand and stared waving it around. Carlos jumped in front of me as fairy godmother said "child what are you doing?!" Jane said still waving the wand "if you won't make me beautiful then I'll do it myself!" Mal ran to Jane and grabbed the wand and everyone gasped. Evie, Jay and Carlos ran to her and I ran to Ben as he stood in front of me. "Let's go. Revenge time." Said Jay as he looked at ben and I. "You really want to do this?" Asked Ben gasping. Mal shook her head and said "Ben we have no choice! Our parents-" Ben yelled and said "your parents made their choice! Now it's time to make yours!" Mal looked around and said "I think I want to be good." I Said "Mal you are good!" She looked at me and said "how do you know that?!" Ben yelled saying "because I'm listening to my heart! When I look into your eyes, I can see your not evil!" Mal turned around to the three and said "bens right. We are not our parents and we have to make our own choices. Taking over the world doesn't make me happy! Jay victory pizza makes you happy, Carlos rubbing dudes belly make you happy who wouldn't thought. And evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy because you are so smart! I wanna go to school and be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy!" Mal put her fist in the middle and said "I choose good you guys." I smiled and then jay and Evie put their fist against hers and then I look at Carlos. "So we don't have to worry about our parent getting to us? Because they're going to be really really mad!" I laughed and said "your parents can't reach you here." He smiled and said "ok then. I choose good." Mal looked at Ben and I motioned for us to come by them. I walked to Carlos and put my fist next to his and he smiled at me and said "oh yeah and (Y/N) makes me happy!" The whole cathedral laughed and I rested my head on his shoulder until I glass breaking and saw green smoke. Carlos jumped in front of me as I said "what is that?" He said holding my hand "I think that's mals mom." When the smoke lifted I saw maleficent and she said "I'm back!" Mal said "ugh. Go away mother!" Maleficent laughed and said "ha! She's funny! Here! Give me the wand!" Everyone yelled "no!" As Mal passed the wand to fairy godmother and she said "bibiddi bobbidi-" And was interrupted by maleficent saying "boo!" I looked around and everyone was frozen. Maleficent looked at me and said "why aren't you frozen?" I looked down at myself and said "i don't know." Maleficent said "well anyway. Mal! I think this is very childish! Give me the wand! You have no room for love in your life! It's not what you want." Mal said "mom have you ever asked me what I want! I'm not you! And it turns out that love is not weak or ridiculous! It's actually really amazing! I will not give you the wand and I am staying here with my friends." Just then Maleficent Said "you will regret this!" And then turned into a dragon and started chasing us. "Leave my friends alone! The power of evil is good as none when stands before 5 hearts as one!" Said Mal repeatedly until her mom turned into a lizard. "What happened?" I Said as we walked to fairy godmother who wasn't frozen anymore. "Your mother turned to the size of the love in her heart. That's why it's so itty bitty." We all nodded and fairy godmother said a spell end everyone was unfrozen! Ben roared and ran and Mal said "woah it's ok! We got it handled!" He smiled and said "next time let me save you." Mal said "let's let there not be a next time ok?" Jay walked to us and we all had a group hug as he said "let's get this party started!" We all smiled as we said "ohwayoway hey!!" Then we partied and celebrated all night for our new king!

Oh you didn't think this was the end of the story? Did you?❤️

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