Chapter 4!

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I woke up to knocking on my door and someone saying "princess (Y/N)?" I rubbed my eyes and sat up as I said "yes?" The voice said "Fairy godmother needs to see you at school early." I got out of bed and said "yes thank you!" I started to get ready and Ben and I got in the limo to go to school. I walked to fairy godmothers office and said "hi fairy godmother. You needed to see me?" She stood up and said "oh yes! Hello (Y/N)! I wanted to see if I could use your help in Remedial Goodness class? I see how you are really nice and understanding to the new students and I think they would enjoy having you there." I nodded and said "sure! Of course! I would love to!" She nodded and I walked out to grab breakfast before class started. Twenty minutes later I walked into Remedial Goodness and sat on one of the desk waiting for the Vks. The bell rang and the 4 walked into class and jay looked at me shocked and said "so what did the princess do to be in Remedial Goodness?" I smiled and said "fairy godmother wants me to help her. That's why I'm in here." They all nodded and sat down. Fairy godmother got all cheery and said "hello children!  Welcome to Remedial Goodness class! Today I'm going to be asking you questions! You find a vile of poison! Do you A, put it in the Kings wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" Evie raised her hands and said "what was the second one again?" I smiled and giggled as fairy godmother said "oh ok...Mal?" Mal looked up and said "C, turn it over to the proper authorities." Fairy godmother said "very good!" Carlos  looked at Mal and said "you are on fire girl!" Mal said "just pick the one that doesn't sound any fun." Evie, Carlos and jay said "ohh. That makes so much sense." I looked at them and laughed and they laughed with me. I looked back at fairy godmother as she asked another question and jay and Carlos's hand went up. Fairy godmother called on jay and he answered and Carlos said "aw I was gonna say that!" Jay mocked him and said "well I said it first!" Jay pulled Carlos onto the table and was rubbing his head and I was laughing until fairy godmother said "boys!" They looked up and sat back down as she said "I encourage you to use that energy on then tourney field!" Carlos said "oh no. That's okay." Carlos and Jay looked at me as I said "you know she's right. It's fun! I watch Ben play all the time. I'm on the cheer team so I could cheer for both of you." Jay nodded and said "when's tryouts?" I Said "today after school." Jay looked to Carlos and said "ok well I'm going." Carlos looked from Jay to me and said "are you going to be there?" I nodded and he said "ok. I'll try it out." I smiled at him and jay as I turned back around. A couple minutes later I turned back around and saw Carlos staring at me. I smiled at him and he gave me a smile back.

Carlos POV

I wasn't even really paying attention in class today. I kept looking at her. She was so pretty. There were no girls on the isle as pretty as her. Even if I did have a crush on her, which I don't, it wouldn't work. She's a princess and I'm a villain. That would end badly. I would be a bad influence on her. She turned around and saw me staring at her. "Oh god." I thought in my head. She smiled at me and I gave her a small smile back. She turned back around and a couple minutes later the bell rang and I ran up to her and said "so I'll see you after school?" She nodded, smiled and said "yeah. I'll be cheering you on." I sighed as she walked away. Mal walked to me and said "hey Carlos. Look we aren't staying long so don't get attached." I cleared my throat and said "uh yeah. Right." I sighed as I walked to my next class.

He's mine (Carlos De Vil x Reader) COMPLETED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora