Chapter 6!

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Ben looked at me in the limo and said "I think it's so great that you're being so understanding and nice to them. Especially Carlos." I looked at him confused and said "you're welcome. What do you mean especially Carlos?" He laughed and said "I see how you are with him. You were never like that with Chad." I held up my finger and said "first of all I never liked chad. Chad liked me. Second, I'm just being nice. Even if I did like him which I don't, it wouldn't work. He's a vk and I'm a Ak. I would be ok with it but he probably wouldn't be. I mean come on. Why would a vk want to date a princess." Ben shrugged his shoulders as we got to the castle and said "I don't know. All I'm saying I that I like it. You're happy. That's the first time I've seen you actually happy in a while. I know you've been stressed about everything." I smiled and said "yeah."

The Next Day.

I went to the locker room to put on my cheer uniform and walked to the middle of the field to meet Ben and Carlos. They both smiled at me when I got there and Ben said "ok Carlos. When I blow the whistle you have to run across the field and I'm going to time you ok?" Carlos nodded and walked to the end of the field and Ben blew the whistle and Carlos started running. I heard barking and I saw the campus mutt, Dude, chasing Carlos. I stared laughing when Carlos screamed but then Ben and I ran after him. When we reached him, he was in a tree yelling "that is a rabid pack animal! It's going to rip my throat out!" I smiled and picked up dude and I started petting him as I looked up to hear Carlos yelling "(Y/N) why are you holding him?! He's going to kill you!" Ben said "wait who told you that?" Carlos said "my mother!" I asked him "cruella?" He said "yes! She's a dog expert!" Ben looked at dude and then Carlos saying "he's not going to do anything. This is the campus mutt, Dude." Carlos started to slowly climb down from the tree and he stood in front of me. He looked at me and I nodded. He started to pet dude and he said "he doesn't look like a vicious rabid pack animal." I gave him a small smile as I handed him Dude. Carlos started to let pet dude as Ben said "good boy." We both looked at him confused but then he said "no I mean you're a fast runner. You're good. You'll do good in tourney." Carlos smiles at him and said "thanks." Ben looked at me and said "well I'll let you and Dude have some time together. I'll see you." Carlos nodded and we both sat down on the log. Dude started licking Carlos's face and I smiled. I petted dude in Carlos's lap as I said "so you don't have any dogs on the isle?" Carlos shook his head and said "no but if we did we wouldn't have them for long. My mother would make coats out of them." I looked at him and said "I'm sorry." He looked into my eyes and said "for what?" I shook my head and said "that you had to live there. You didn't get to see all of the good things in life." Carlos smiled a little as he said "well because of you. I am now." I smiled and looked away as I said "it's kind of my fault." Carlos tilted his head as he said "what's your fault?" I looked at dude as I said "Ben and I should have told our parents that we wanted you to come sooner." Carlos said "(Y/N), It's not your fault. You weren't Queen and Ben wasn't King. We're ok now." I smiled at him and said "yeah but I could have convinced dad." He nodded and said "yeah. You could have but you didn't and I'm still ok with that. I'm here now." I stuck out my hand and said "friends?" He looked at my hand and then back at me as he grabbed my hand and said "yeah. Friends." We started playing with dude until it was time to go.

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