Chapter 8!

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The next morning I woke up and put on my cheer uniform for the big game. I walked with Lonnie to my locker and she went off to class. Carlos walked up to me and said "hey (Y/N), Remember those cookies last night?" I nodded as I closed my locker and looked at him. "Well I have some right here if you want them." I smiled and said "aww thanks but you know the game today. I have to do flips and I don't want to throw it all up." Carlos nodded and said "ok so you don't want to take cookies from a villain. That's smart." I shook my head and said "no no that's not it. Here give me that!" I grabbed the bag and took a cookie and ate it. Evie walked up to me and said "hey. How are you feeling?" I smiled and said "the cookies are really good. Carlos have you always been this cute?" He smiled and grabbed my hand and said "can I walk you to class?" I nodded and said "yeah but I want another cookie." Mal grabbed the bag and said "nope. That's enough." I jokingly glared at her and then went to Remedial Goodness.

Carlos's POV

(Y/N) was talking with fairy godmother and I kept staring at her. "Carlos. Carlos." Said Jay as he shook me back to the real world. "What?" I Said as I looked at him. He laughed as he said "if you don't stop staring then it's going to get creepy. I smiled as I said "but look at her." Jay smiled and said "yeah I see her bro. To be honest I don't believe the cookie worked." I looked at jay as said "are you kidding me? Do you see how she's acting now?" Jay sat back and said "yeah I do but I think she's faking it. She seems like the type to do it." I looked at (Y/N) as I said "but how would she know what the cookie does?" Jay shook his head and said "I don't know but still." Just then I heard a voice and I turned around to see Audrey. "Hey (Y/N)! We have to get to the field early." She walked out and I looked to (Y/N) who was grabbing her things and said bye to fairy godmother. She came over to me and kissed me on my cheek as she said "I'll see you at the game, ok?" I nodded and smiled at her as she walked out. "Oouu!" Said evie and Jay together. I punched jay and slouched in my chair. After our classes, Jay and I went to the locker rooms to get changed for the game. I was pretty nervous but I probably wouldn't be playing in it anyways. I walked out and I saw (Y/N) talking to the cheerleaders and she was telling them the cheers they had to do. I walked to her and grabbed her hand and said "hey can I talk to you?" She nodded and said "Audrey can you go over the cheers?" Audrey nodded and then she walked away with me. "How about tomorrow we hangout? Like just us?" She smiled and said "like a date?" I nodded and she said "yeah of course! It's going to be fun!" The game was about to start so I looked at her and said "wish me luck." She kissed my cheek and said "you don't need it." I smiled and walked away to the field.


I walked back to the cheer team and we started cheering as the game started. About 5 minutes later jay told coach to put Carlos in the game. He was very hesitant but he did it!! "Yeah Carlos!" I yelled as he started playing. Ben made the winning shot and we all cheered. The cheer team did a cheer then we stood in formation as Ben said into the microphone "can I have everyone's attention? There's something I'd like to say!" I looked around and thought "oh no. He's gonna ask Audrey to marry him." Ben got on top of the shooter and said "give me an M! Give me an A! Give me a L! What does that spell?!" We all yelled "Mal"as Audrey ran away. I started laughing as Ben started singing and the whole tourney team started dancing with him. The look on mals face was hilarious. Ben took off his jersey and threw it to Mal. He then had the crowd wave him over to mal and tried to kiss her. Audrey grabbed the microphone and said "Chads my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him so I don't need your pity date!" Ben grabbed the microphone and said "Mal will you go to the coronation with me?!" Mal smiled and said "yes!" Everyone cheered and Audrey walked away with chad. I walked up to Carlos and hugged him as I said "you did so good!" He didn't hug me at first so I pulled back and I said "I'm sorry." He smiled and said "no it's ok. That's the first real hug I've ever gotten." I smiled and hugged him again and this time he hugged me. "So where are we going tomorrow?" I asked him as I pulled back. He looked around and said "I actually didn't think about that and I've never been on a date." I laughed and said "I haven't either. I think I know a place. I'll get everything ready for tomorrow." I smiled and said "pick me up at evie and mals room." He nodded, smiled and said "I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and walked away.

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