Chapter 7!

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I walked with Ben to Mal and Evies room. Ben knocked on the door and Mal answered it. I smiled as she opened the door and they smiled back at me. "Hey guys I didn't see you all day. I was wondering if you had any questions or anything?" Mal looked around and said "I don't think so. Oh wait! Is it true that we get to go to your coronation?" I nodded as Ben said "yeah the whole school goes." Mal said "so would it be possible if the four of us could stand by fairy godmother to soak up all of that...goodness?" Ben shook his head and said "I would love that but I can't. It's only (Y/N), my parents and my girlfriend who can stand up front." Mal nodded and said "well what about (Y/N)?" I Said "if I had a boyfriend then he would stand next to Bens girlfriend." Mal said "ok thanks bye!" And she shut the door. I looked at Ben and said "ok well on that note I'm going to Lonnie's. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I heard Ben say "bye!" As I walked to Lonnie's dorm.

Carlos's POV

"I think Ben needs a new girlfriend. And (Y/N) needs a boyfriend." Said Mal as she looked at me. Jay and Evie looked at me too. "Why are you all staring at me?" Evie came and rubbed my head as she said "oh don't even act as if you don't have a crush on (Y/N). It's the perfect plan." I moved her hand as I said "I do not! She's just really nice! Unlike anyone on the isle! She gets me! She's the first person here who actually talked to me first and she didn't even act like she was scared of us!" Mal was looking in her book and said "well if you like her I don't care! I'm fine with it! I just don't want you to get your heart broken and get attached and when we have to leave, you have to break up with her." Carlos nodded and said "yeah yeah I know." Jay came sit by me and said "you know it's ok if you like her dude. I mean I can see why you do. She's pretty, nice, cool. Just tell us if you do." I nodded and looked down as I said "I do." Mal looked up from her book and smirked and Evie smiled and said "aww!!" Jay punched me lightly and said "alright bro! Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I looked up and said "because I'm the baby of our group. I knew you would all bug me about it." Evie shook her head as she said "well can I let you in on a little secret?" I nodded and she smiled as she said "I think she likes you too. I see the way you two look at each other." I smiled as I said "ok so what's the plan?" Mal said looking in her spell book "ok so I'm thinking we can put a love spell on both of them. They will fall for Carlos and I and then that's how we get to be up front." We all nodded as we walked to the kitchen to go make the love cookies.


Lonnie and I laughed as we walked into the kitchen to grab a midnight snack. "Oh hey guys!" Lonnie said as we saw Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos. "Hey." They all said and gave us a small smile. "What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" Carlos asked me. I smiled as I said "oh Lonnie and I are having a sleepover. We're in here for a midnight snack." He nodded and smiled at me and Lonnie said "ohh! What are you making? Cookies?" She dipped her finger in the mix and tasted it as they all jumped up and yelled "no!!" I then dipped my finger in it and tasted it and Mal said "do you feel any different?" Jay walked up to Lonnie and was flirting with her and Evie tilted her head towards me and Carlos walked to me and grabbed my hands and said "you look really pretty." I smiled at him as I heard Lonnie say "it could use some chips!" Carlos still had my hands as he said "chips?" I pulled my hands away to grab some chips as I said "yeah! Chocolate chips!" I saw all of them sigh and Lonnie said "yeah you know when you're feeling sad and you come home from school and the cookies are fresh out of the oven and your mom makes you feel so much better?" The four looked down and Mal said "it's different where we're from." I started to cry silently and Lonnie said "yeah I know. I just thought that even villains love their kids!" I look up and Carlos is looking at me. Mal caught me by surprise as she wiped the tears from me and Lonnie's face. "Ok well we have to put these in the oven so I'll see you tomorrow! Evil dreams!" Lonnie and I said "goodnight" as we walked out the door back to our dorms.

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