Chapter 3!

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We started walking towards their dorms and Mal said "so do you have any magic here?" I turned around and started walking backwards as I said "yeah of course. It exists but we don't really use it anymore. We just learn about the different kingdoms, math, science and history." They all nodded as I stopped in front of a door and gave Evie and Mal a key saying "ok here are your keys and this is your dorm." Evie smiled and said thank you and she gasped as they walked in. I heard her say "this is so amazi-" And Mal interrupted her saying "gross!" Evie Said "I know right! Amazingly gross! Eww." She turned back and looked at me and smiled." I smiled back at her as Doug walked up. "Hey (Y/N)" He said to me smiling and I said "hey Doug. These are the new students." They gave him a straight face and he said "hey guys! I'm dopeys son as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy...heigh ho." He said as he saw Evie walk out of the room. "Evie. Evil Queens daughter." He kept staring at her and then cleared his throat and said "uh I have your schedules that consist of math and ...uh.... remedial goodness 101." Jay looked at me and said "new class?" I nodded. I smiled at Doug as he gave them their schedules and I said "ok well I need to show jay and Carlos their dorms so I'll see you later." He nodded as he said "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." Carlos walked by him and said "Sneezy." Doug sighed and I turned around and said "wow Carlos. You know your stuff!" He shrugged his shoulders and said "yeah well when you live with villains you pick up stuff." I nodded as I got to their door. I gave them the key and we walked in. I smiled and said "do you mind if I come in and show you a few things?" Jay shook his head no so I walked in and walked to the tv. "So here is the tv and there's a video game with it and it's really fun because I've played it before." I turned on the tv and started punching the air for the video game. Jay and Carlos started laughing and when I got done I turned around and saw Jay and Carlos smiling. "As you can tell I like the boys dorms better." Carlos said "wow! You're really good at that!" I smiled and handed him the game pieces as I said "I'm not as much of a princess as you think I am." Jay tilted his head and said "what do you mean?" I walked to their table and sat down as Evie and Mal walked in. I said "well being a princess has its perks and all. Limos, living in a castle, having people design clothes for you but then it very stressful. You have to always look pretty and always smile and always be on your best behavior! Then I have to look forward to being Queen if Ben can't fulfill his responsibilities." They all sat down and Carlos said "well you're really pretty so why do you have to worry about being pretty." I looked down, smiled and said "wearing makeup I mean." Carlos nodded and said "well I see no reason for you to wear makeup." I smiled at him and I see Jay punch him and smirk at him. I got up and said "ok well I will see you all tomorrow! Goodnight!" I heard Mal say "evil dreams!" I smiled as I walked to the limo to go back to my castle.

He's mine (Carlos De Vil x Reader) COMPLETED!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora