Chapter 5 - Autobot base

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"Ratchet, open the ground bridge, we are coming back with a Time Lord" Optimus said through the con link. "What's a Time Lord?" Miko asked. "Your guess is as good as mine Miko" Ratchet replied. Ratchet pulled down the lever to the ground bridge which activated it.

A minute later, the Autobots drove through the ground bridge. However, the others noticed that Optimus had a human police box on the back end of his vehicle mode. The kids ran to the railings of the human section to get a good look at it. "That was the thing the energy signature came from?" Jack asked. "Yes" Ratchet replied. The Autobots transformed into their Cybertronian forms, apart from Optimus. Optimus's left door opened and a man in a pin stripe suit jumped out.

The three kids gasped at the man. The man noticed them and waved at them. "Hello" The man said. Bumblebee carefully lifted the police box off of Optimus and set it down near the ground bridge. Optimus was then able to transform into his Cybertronian form. "Optimus, is this the TimeLord, you were referring to?" Ratchet asked. "Indeed, old friend" Optimus said. Optimus then outstretched his hand to the Doctor. "This is the Doctor, he owns the police box we located" Optimus stated. "How come the police box had a massive energy reading? Raf asked, leaning over the railings. "It's my ship, in disguise and it's called the Tardis, T, A,R,D,I,S, it's stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space" The Doctor stated. "What's that?" Jack asked. "It's a ship what travels through time and space" The Doctor said. "Sweet!" Miko shouted, excitedly. "Don't get any ideas!" The Doctor said and pointed a finger at her.

The Doctor then looked around and took in his surroundings. He then looked at Optimus. "So, What are your names?" The Doctor asked. "My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, over there is my scout, Bumblebee, my medic is Ratchet and those two are Arcee and Bulkhead" Optimus said while gesturing to everyone. "My name is Miko!" Miko said enthusiastically. "Jack" Jack stated. "I'm Raf" Raf said, shyly. "Do you mind me asking, why are you guys are on Earth?" The Doctor asked. Optimus then bent down to his level. "We are here, to protect this planet, from the Decepticons" Optimus said. "So, why are they here?" The Doctor asked while crossing his arms. "We are here because our planet is uninhabitable, ravaged by centuries of civil war" Optimus replied.

The Doctor closed his eyes and looked down. "Another planet, affected by war" The Doctor muttered so no one could hear him. However Optimus managed to hear him. "Your planet was also affected by war?" Optimus asked. The Doctor then looked up at Optimus. "Indeed, my home world was destroyed in the great time war. My people fought a race called the Daleks and we lost." The Doctor emitted. "I'm not just a TimeLord, I'm the last of the TimeLords" The Doctor stated. Everyone started to feel bad for him. 

"Anyway, the Decepticons are trying to what, take over or destroy this planet?" The Doctor asked, quickly changing the subject. Optimus then stood up. "Indeed, they are here to defeat us and collect all the Energon on this world" Optimus inquired. "Hang on, your life's blood is on this planet?" The Doctor asked; he was shocked to never stumble upon any in his time on Earth. "Yes, we still don't know why it's on this planet or how it came here" Ratchet exclaimed. "Well, I don't want to see another planet get destroyed because of war" The Doctor stated. He then looked at team Prime. "Let me help for a bit"

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