Chapter 9 - Back in the Tardis

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A few hours had passed at the Autobot base. Miko had played the guitar, Jack, Raf and Bumblebee had played games on the TV while the Doctor was watching them, Arcee and Bulkhead had helped move Energon cubes, Ratchet had been working at his computer and Optimus had gone for a drive. Now Optimus had come back and the kids were getting ready to go home because it was so late. The Doctor had snuck off to the Tardis. He entered the Tardis to see his console room, still filled with a bit of the poisonous smoke. Luckily, however the amount of the smoke was not enough to harm or kill anyone. Also, the Tardis had stopped glowing red and had went back to it's original colour. The Doctor frowned at the cracks in the pillars and dents in the floor.

Shutting the door; The Doctor walked over to the damaged console. Because the smoke had cleared, the Doctor could now see the full extent of the damage on the Tardis. The time rotor had been burnt up and the glass around it was cracked. The Chameleon arch had fallen from the room of the console room and was dangling on a cable. Also, some of the circuits underneath the Tardis's floor had been fried. The Doctor walked up to the console and felt the glass around the time rotor. "Your not going to be taking off any time soon" The Doctor said sadly. The Doctor walked over to the scanner to see that it was still working. Before he could do anything, he heard the Tardis doors open. He looked up to see Miko looking into the Tardis with shock.

"Oh my God!" Miko showed in glee and ran into the Tardis. The Doctor got up and stood at the side of the console. "Miko" The Doctor said. Suddenly, Miko ran out of the Tardis. The Doctor then was about to go back to the scanner, but Miko then ran back inside of the Tardis. "It's bigger on the inside!" Miko shouted. "Really, I hadn't noticed" The Doctor sarcastically said. Miko then ran around the console. "Wow, you could have a whole band in here, apart from all the smoke and the damage, it would look really cool! Like the guitarist could be on that platform over there and the sings could hang off of these huge pillars!" Miko excitedly yelled. Miko then stopped running and faced the Doctor. "This is so cool, so this is your ship?" Miko asked. "Yes it is and it's the only one left in the universe" The Doctor stated. "How much it does it weigh?" Miko asked, still smiling. "Seriously, that's your first question" The Doctor said in disbelief. Mike gave a sheepish grin. "Fine, it weighs 5000000 kg, but because the true weight will fracture the service of the Earth, the Tardis manipulates it's weight according to the gravity in the area around it." The Doctor stated. "Wow!" Miko said in awe. "Ok, no one's ever been this excited about the Tardis before" The Doctor muttered.

"Anyway, why did you come in here?" The Doctor asked. "Well, because we are going home, Jack said that if you want to go home with him for the night, you can" Miko said. "Does his parents know about this?" The Doctor asked. "He said that if you'd go with him, that he would call his mom about it" Miko replied. The Doctor looked around the Tardis and then back at Miko. "Well, I can't stay here for too long, especially all night, so yeah!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Great, I'll go tell him!" Miko happily yelled and ran out of the Tardis. The Doctor looked around at his ship once more before exiting the Tardis.

Unknown energy signature (Transformers Prime And Doctor Who Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon