Chapter 15 - Recovery

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The base was now unusually quite. Team Prime was either thinking in silence or sitting in defeat.
Even Miko was not her usual self. However, the Doctor was pacing back and forth; trying to think of how they were going to win the oncoming battle. The only sound was the monitor, hooked up to Bumblebee.

"How are we supposed to win, now?" Bulkhead asked which broke the silence. "Look at you! You've all given up before you've even started" The Doctor exclaimed. "Well, What do you think we can do, just look what they did to Bumblebee!" Ratchet shouted. "I never give up...Well once or twice, Well, That was more of Martha's fault" The Doctor replied and mumbled the last part. "Doctor, Have you even defeated the Daleks before?" Jack asked. The Doctor looked at him with a frown. "Yes, it turned me into the man I am today" The Doctor replied. "How did you defeat them?" Raf asked. "Many times, but they always get away from me" The Doctor muttered. "Well, I uh, always come up with a plan in the end" The Doctor replied.

A noise suddenly interrupted the conversation. The noise was the life the life support machine, hooked up to Bumblebee. It had got a lot calmer and more steady, showing that Bumblebee was recovering. Ratchet checked the results to see that Bumblebee would survive the shot. "Bumblebee's vitals are showing that he will survive the Dalek blast, he just needs to wake up and recover" Ratchet states. Everyone perked up at this. Just then, they heard another beeping noise from the main computers. "A vehicular form is approaching" Ratchet said. "Are they Decepticon?" Optimus asked. Ratchet zooms in on the vehicle to reveal June's car. "Oh my mom, sorry guys I forgot that the Doctor told me that she was coming today" Jack apologised. June's car then entered the base and stopped just before the Tardis. June then got out of the car and walked over to Jack. "Hi honey" June greeted and hugged Jack. "Oh, Uh, Hey" Jack said. "I ended my shift early at the hospital so I thought I tell Agent Smith that I would swing by" June summed up.

However, she then noticed Bumblebee hooked up to life support. "Oh my God! What happened?" June gasped. "I'm afraid Bumblebee was shot by a Dalek, making him fall into a coma, he's very lucky to be alive" Ratchet replied. "What's a Dalek?" June asked, after her shock disappeared. The Doctor began to reply. "A Dalek is...a machine built by-" "Mech!" Miko interrupted. The Doctor then looked at her, confused. "Who? I was going to say-" Miko then elbowed the Doctor in his thigh making him stop talking. "Yes, Mech" The Doctor replied. June was angered at the mention of Mech. She still was shaken at the thought that Mech would kidnap her or Jack again. "Is he going to make it?" June asked. "It looks like it" Ratchet replied.

Then suddenly another beeping noise came from the computers and ratchet checked it out again. "There is more Energon on the move" Ratchet stated. "These Decepticons must have become arrogant with the Dalek's on their side" The Doctor said. "Even if they do have help, we must not let them get their hands onto that Energon" Optimus reasoned. Optimus nodded to Ratchet which told him to open the ground bridge. Ratchet opened the ground bridge to the coordinates. "Autobots, Roll out!" Optimus shouted and he and Arcee with Bulkhead drove through it. Even though the Dalek's had gained the Decepticons attention. They had gained some more attention as well.

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