'Shut Up...' Vansh scolds the voice, closing his eyes and covering his ears, and the voice fades while laughing..

'But.. Sir... I.. Did not say anything yet...' he hears Khushi's voice and opens his eyes..

Damn it...

He looks at Khushi, who stood there bewildered, and was slowly moving back unconsciously

She wore a pink knee length dress, paired with black stockings, and a trench coat over it to prevent her from cold, her hair  was open and surprisingly no specs on... Vansh kept on staring her, not really saying anything...

Wow... She looks... Uh.... Different today...

'Are you okay Sir....?' she asks breaking his reverie, and Vansh clears his throat

'Yeah.. Yeah... I am fine... And that wasn't for you, I.. Was thinking about something...' He clarified and She nods understanding

'So what's the schedule for today...?' He asks, looking away...

'Sir we have nothing to do... The location we need is pre occupied by some Italian TV show, they leave tomorrow so we start day after...' Khushi informed


There was this comfortable silence between them, both of them staring at the beautiful view of the city

'Where's Vikrant.....?' he asks

'He went for sight seeing...' Khushi informs

'What...? Leaving me here...! How dare he...!' Vansh gets angry, and picks up his phone

'Sir... Charu Ma'am is here... He went with her...'

Damn ! Can't she leave him alone at all... It's only been 4 days we are here... And she can't wait...

Couples make me cringe...he thought

'Brand ambassadors of Fevicol...' he mutters..


'Nothing... Give me day after tomorrow's schedule...' he changes the topic and Khushi forwards him a writing pad...

He keeps his phone on the coffee table and reads the paper

'No no no no... We are not doing this...' He declares

'But sir the script demands it...' Khushi tried to reason

'Call the writer...! I want to ask What's wrong with her... This is so stupid, there won't be any proposal scene in public, in Verona ! He's a soldier, on a secret mission, why propose...!' he exclaimed angrily

'But sir...' Khushi began

'Do it...!' he orders her and she shivers with fear, which he did not notice...

Khushi quickly dials someone's number on her phone, the person wasn't picking up even after 2 attempts, which was making Vansh impatient and Khushi nervous

'Ooo Give me that...' He snatches her phone and redials the number and Khushi gets horrified at this..

She did not wanted him to see her wallpaper, which was his and her photo from the trip...

You are dead now Khushi...! She thinks as her heart was pacing rapidly

'Hello...? Heena...! Where do you keep your phone...' she hears Vansh scolding the writer

'Sir cannot see my wallpaper...! Damn what will he think....' Khushi mutters to herself, trying to find a way to snatch the phone from him, while he was busy scolding the writer

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