Chapter 13

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I like Zander. I'm not going to deny it anymore, but just because my heart has feelings for him, doesn't mean that my head agrees. My heart may flutter every time I see him, and my body may tingle every time he touches me, but I have to push those feelings down. I'm not going to get hurt again. I can't.

"What are you thinking about?" Zander asks.

I faintly blush. "Nothing."

"You're thinking hard about something. You chew your bottom lip when you do."

"I do not do that."

He laughs. "Yes, you do. Tell me what you're thinking about. I want to know what's going on in that little head of yours."

"Bread and butter." A stalagmite splits us in two, and we go on separate sides of it. When we get back together, he looks at me with confusion on his face. "What? That's what my mom used to say whenever we were walking and something came in between us. Bread and butter."

"What does it mean?"

I shrug. "I have no idea. You just have to say it."

He rolls his eyes but stops asking me about what I was thinking about. I don't think I have the courage to tell him I was thinking about him.

We exit the shortcut and make our way back up the casim. Our hands brush when we swim, and it makes tingles go down my spine. I close my eyes and bathe in the feeling. This may be the last time I get to feel them. I open my eyes back up to see Zander watching me again. I blush and look away.

We swim back to the palace and hide behind some rocks.

"What now?" Zander asks.

"I have to get this medicine to Jes."

"I can go with?"

"No. Stay here. Your people need you. Not just to be the next Royal, but also to lead the Resistance. You have to protect the throne." I see the conflict in his eyes.

"I don't want to leave you." He looks away with pink cheeks. "I mean, in case you get attacked again."

I smile. "I'll be okay, Zander."

He puts his hands on my cheeks and places a kiss on my forehead. "I'm still going to worry." He goes to pull away, but, without thinking, I grab onto his arms. He stops and rests his forehead on mine.

I close my eyes as I memorize the feeling of his skin on mine, the sound of his laugh, the way he makes my heart flutter. I don't want to forget anything about him. "I guess this is goodbye."

"I guess so."

Neither of us make a move to leave.


"Two more minutes."

"Of course."

Eventually, we separate, and, with one more glance, I swim away from Zander. My heart hurts. I hadn't realized how much I had already fallen for him until I won't see him again. I feel like crying, but tears won't come.

I freeze as something zooms by in front of me. I look at where it disappeared when someone grabs me from behind.

Oh, not again. I thrash in their hold, but they won't let go. I jamb my elbow in their stomach, and they let go with a grunt of pain. I swim away and throw up some blocks of ice between us. I hear them chasing me, and I swim faster. I swim through some seaweed, but I shout as a hand grabs onto my ankle. They yank me back and into their arms. I struggle as I feel them tug on the bag attached to my arm. They want the medicine. Oh, hell no.

A World No One Knows (bxb) [editing and rewriting]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant