Every Day Corpses

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A/N: A bit of background: for my literature class, I had to make a poem featuring zombies using various poem techniques and features. So, I wrote this...

Gnashing of teeth-something biblical
an insatiable groaning echoing down sterile halls-
conversations between rotting rictuses
with pale pink tongues, lolling, mixes
infinite drool of saliva and blood,
smearing white floors with black stains.

From every doorway, hallway, that endless crescendo
does not soften the slap of rubber soles on polished tile,
the chance shriek from startled beholden persons,
or heavy pounding of adrenaline in constricted arteries.
Only hollow ringing graces the ears,
pulsing with the vague beat of circulation.

A glance over the shoulder reveals alabaster eyes
glazed over and shrunken, the absence of a soul.
The head whips on its axis,
forward once more. Push forward.
Aching limbs throb with that ever present drum,
screaming for hastening gasps, lessening in breath.

Soon too the cinderblock walls warp,
constricting and expanding, as if the building itself
is some corrupted lungs under duress.
Close the door!
Shaking hands press against thick wood,
fumbling with the metallic lock.

Quivering, back pressed against the door,
a silhouette finds a blurry duplicate
and, in deafening silence,
wipes at the layer fogging the mirror.
Hands skim along the smooth porcelain rim,
muscles sighing with wanting relief.

Pupils dilate at the visage in the glass,
mouth open in a silent cry,
to find this opening too drips decayed blood.
Eyes, blinking with terrified tears,
discover only vomit in the sink,
diluting with the faucet water.

The loud bangs?
Caused by their own.
Chattering about fear,
words like blood
drip from painted lips.
Who was dead?

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