A Popular Haunting

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A/N: The following poem is in the form of a pantoum, a series of four quatrains where the second and forth lines of the preceding stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next stanza, ending the last quatrain with the second and fourth lines being the third and first (in that order) lines of the first stanza.

People have haunts
like a phantom
that never knows what it wants,
and people imagine memories abandoned.

Like a phantom,
they return in those devilish times,
and people imagine memories abandoned
as if the state will be charged as crimes.

They return in those devilish times
and begin to regress into older patterns
as if the state will be charged as crimes
but never treat it like it matters.

They begin to regress into older patterns
and never know what they want
but never treat it like it matters.
People have haunts.

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