On Love: Ludus

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A/N: This poem is one of a series of six I had to write for a writing class my sophomore year of high school. Ludus is defined as being a playful sort of love, one that relies more so on the idea of a game to be played than affection, like the common portrayal of a womanizer.

There once was a mouse
between playful kitten paws.
Pinned by the tail,
watch it squirm.
Small squeaks abuse bruised lips,
This game isn't over yet.
Predator claws snatch prey flesh.
Sharp points paint red.
Red drops drip.
Wintered whimpers clog a sore throat.
This game isn't over yet.
Blades slowly carve at raw pelt.
Scratches burn on pale pink scars.
This game is at a whim...

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