The prince of fire

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Once there was a kingdom of dragons who were all ruled by one Fierce Dragon. This dragon went by the name Igneel. Igneel was one of few fire dragons ever to live, he and all of the dragons knew that he was getting old and couldn't rule for ever, but Igneels mate had died before they could of had kids. You see dragons, unlike humans, can only ever have one mate. After they find there mate they can only be with them. No exceptions. When Igneel was in his chamber, one of his subjects came in "sir, while on patrol, we have located a human child." Igneel was quite startled at this information. "What! The humans know not to cross our borders. What is the reason of this?" Igneel inquired. The young servant looked down slightly. "The child had been abandoned, and left for dead. We brought the child in hopes you would know what to do." The king felt bothered to hear such a thing. Humans always confused him with how they can easily care so little for something as important as there own offspring. "Where is the child right now?" He asked calmly. "He is with the elders. When we found the child he was in critical condition and needed to see the elder wind dragons to be healed with there magic. "Igneel was very worried, he knew how fragile humans are, but the younger ones are even more delicate. "Take me to the child" Igneel said to the servant. "Yes sir, right this way" they both went into there human forms and walked silently to the infirmary. Once they had made it in. He was greeted by the smiling face of a young boy. He looked no more then three years old, if not a bit younger. The child was quite different than all of the other humans Igneel had seen. Unlike others, this young boy had light almost pink hair, and instead of shaking and crying in the sight of a dragon, he was smiling and giggling. He had a bandage around his head and right arm. "What happened to this boy?" Igneel asked the nurse. "He had a broken arm and head trauma. But thanks to our magic, he will survive." He nodded, he was about to ask the young boy what happened when the nurse added quickly "He also seems to only remember his name but nothing else." Igneel looked at the child with sad eyes "you can tell he has gone through much already at such a young age. What's his name?" The nurse nodded slightly and said "His name is -" she was cut off by the child who suddenly smiled and said "My name is Natsu. And umm... That's all I can remember." His smile wavered for a second and he went silent once more. "Igneel, there's no way we could just let him go back in the woods, that would be like sending a pig for slaughter. And with his current conditions and severe amnesia we couldn't even bring him back to his own parents. What should we do?" The old Dragon sighed. He walked over to Natsu and picked him up, the little boy looked up at the man with eyes that looked sad, happy, and confused, he could barley look at the boy. No child, dragon, nor human should have to go through something such as this at such a young age. "What..." Igneel paused not quite sure of what he was about to say. "What if I raised him as my own?" The nurse was shocked. "Are you sure, I mean no ones even raised a human before" Igneel smiled at the boy "well, I love a challenge"


What y'all think of my first Chapter. Don't worry it will be come NaLu soon just let me tell the story PLZ

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