The Shining Beacon Part I and II

Start from the beginning

Weiss: "Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"

Ruby: "Well, I-I..."

Weiss: "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!"

Ruby: (finally fed up) "Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!"

Blake: (off screen, entering the conversation) "It's heiress, actually." (Ruby and Weiss look over as Blake approaches with the bottle) "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

Weiss: (smiling smugly) "Finally! Some recognition!"

Blake: "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Weiss: (getting angry again as Ruby chuckles) "Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!" (gets up in Blake's face and takes the bottle from her, walking off in a huff as her helpers gather the luggage and follow)

Ruby: (to the storming Weiss, still sorry) "I promise I'll make this up to you!" (sighs) "I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day... So, what's..." (sees Blake walking off as well, then collapses to the ground on her back) "Welcome to Beacon..." (she remains this way until a shadow comes over her)

You: (holding out your hand) "Hey... Ruby."

Ruby: (taking your hand as she now stands up looking at Jaune) "Oh hey (Y/N), Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?"

Beacon inside the walls are filled with scenic trees, arching architecture, and a winding road alongside a river, down which Ruby, you and Jaune are walking.

Jaune: "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!"

Ruby: (laughing) "Look, I'm sorry! Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind."

Jaune: "Oh, yeah? What if I called you Crater Face?"

Ruby: "Hey, that explosion was an accident!"

Jaune: "Well, the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it!"

Ruby and you: (skeptic) "Do they?"

Jaune: "They will! Well, I-I hope they will. My mom always says that... Never mind."

Ruby: (giggles before a short, awkward silence falls) "So... I got this thing!" (she pulls out Crescent Rose and stabs it into the ground)

Jaune: "Whoa! Is that a scythe?"

Ruby: "It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!"

Jaune: "A-wha...?"

You: (as Ruby cocks it, smiling) "It's also a gun, Jaune."

Jaune: "Oh. That's cool!"

Ruby: "So what've you both got?"

You look to her as you unsheathe Dead shot and Scarlet Fury as you explain their capabilities and swing your sword in its whip form at the ground and spin dead shot as it transforms back in as Ruby asks Jaune what his weapon is.

Jaune: "Oh! I, uh..." (unsheathes a blade) "I got this sword!"

Ruby: "Ooooohh!"

Jaune: "Yeah, and I've got a shield, too!" (he gets his scabbard, raises his arm and expands the metal into his defense)

Ruby: (touching the shield) "So, what do they do?"

Jaune: (fumbling with the shield as it retracts off his arm, expands, and retracts again before putting it back in place and finally shrinking it down for good, placing it on his belt) "The shield gets smaller, so when I get tired of carrying it, I can just... put it away..."

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