Chapter Sixty-Five

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I went to medical bay where I knew Jackson was. He turned around and gave me a smile and noticed Jasper.

"What can I do for you, Prim?" He asked with a grin.

"I know I might be asking too much, but can you watch Jasper for me?" I asked.

"What?" Jasper cried. "No, I want to stay with you. I promise I'll be good."

"Jasper, it's not about being good. You have been so brave. But mommy and daddy are fighting bad men and I want to make sure you are safe."

"I'll watch him, Prim. I'll keep him safe." Jackson said.

"Thank you, Jackson. I owe you one." I beamed.

"Wait!" Jasper grabbed my hand. "Will you come back?"

I kiss his forehead. "Mommy and daddy won't leave you. We'll be back. If I'm still around, I'll visit you. Be good okay? I love you."

"I love you too." He said sadly.

I gave him a weak grin and left the room. It was hard leaving my precious boy, but I did. I had to, to keep him safe.

As I exit to the surface, Bellamy catches me. "Hey, Prim. I've got some updates- where's my son?"

"Jackson is watching him for me." I shrugged.


"The old Prim has to come out, Bell and Jasper won't witness it. I can't let him see his mother as a killer and I can't have him killed." I explained.

"Okay." He nodded his head. "Echo can stay if she is Octavia's spy to find the traitors. And Monty is using the laser-comm to blind the eye that watches us."

I nodded my head. "Okay, I should go train."

I went to walk away but Bellamy blocked me. "I-I am sorry that this is happening to us. I didn't want to see you fight, not again."

"I can't give this part of me up anymore. If I do, I couldn't live with myself. I'm a fighter, I'm not hiding in the bunker with my son."

"Just... don't lose your head. I love you so much."

"I love you too. You worry too much." I teased.

I trained all day with other people, I was so rusty, I hated myself. But finally I knock someone to the ground.

I smiled happily. "I did it."

Eventually duty calls and I join Monty, Bell, Echo and Harper.

"Change of plans, Prim." Monty said. "Echo will be a defect to go on the ship and help us destroy the eye."

"What happened to spying or doing it from here?" I asked.

"I couldn't do it." Echo injected.

"And neither could I." Monty added. He pulled out a leather wrist band. "The latest Grounder fashion with one small modification. The jump drive is hidden inside."

"Clever." Echo replied.

"Once you're on the inside, get it to Raven. She'll know what to do." Monty pulled her into a tight hug. "Don't get killed, okay? You're the only one who liked my algae."

"Actually, I was just being polite. I've got this."

"So once the Eye's down, it'll take at six least days for Octavia and her army to get there, but, you know, I'll be in the Rover and I can get there." Bellamy tells her.

She nodded her head. We gave her a hug goodbye before Bellamy and I go back to the bunker and retrieve Jasper. He has a teddy bear in his arms.

He ran to me and hugged me tight. "Thank you, Jackson." I gave him a weak grin. "I might need you again."

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