Chapter Thirty-Two

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I made Bellamy take me back to my bed. I tried my best to hold back all my emotions.

I just couldn't believe what had just happened. I couldn't believe he was dead. I've known him since day one... and now he's just gone.

Clarke came into the medical center, I felt so sorry for her.

"There's a ritual they do, we're taking the body back to where the massacre took place." Clarke said, looking at Bellamy.

He nodded his head. "Okay, I'll come too."

"I'm going," I said sternly.

"Prim, you can't, you're injured." Clarke said.

"I'm going and that's final." I growled.

She exchanged looks with Bellamy, but she just sighed. "Fine, Bellamy keep an eye on her." She left the room after that.

"You're not coming." Bellamy protested.

"It's so cute how you think you can stop me." I replied bitterly.

"How are you going to walk for a day straight? You can't even walk ten feet without complaining."

"Carry me," I ordered.

"I am not carrying you." He replied.

When it was time to go, we left with the Grounders and their leader, Lexa. Bellamy did carry me around. He wasn't happy about it but he did it. I hanged on his back like a monkey with my arms wrapped around his neck.

When he wasn't carrying me I was on a wagon that was carrying Raven and Finn's dead body.

I stayed far from Finn's body and I refused to look at him.

I watched Clarke look at the woods as if someone was there. I looked where she was looking but didn't see anything significant.

"He'd want you to come." Raven said not looking up from Finn's body.

"I know." I said softly. I tried not to choke on my tears.

One tear slipped, I quickly wiped it away so no one could see I was upset.

When the sun started to set we stopped and set up a camp.

Abby and Kane was with us, along with Octavia and Lincoln.

He still refused to make eye contact with me.

Bellamy changed my dressing on my wound to a clean cloth.

"You should of stayed behind." He huffed.

"We both know that that was never an option. He's our friend." I replied.

When he was all done he laid down beside me.

"I think we need someone to weaken Mount. Weather from the inside." He said breaking the silence.

"What does Clarke think?" I asked.

"She said she doesn't want to risk losing me too." He sighed.

"I can go." I said shrugging.

"Don't be stupid, you're in rough shape." He scoffed.

"I know every room, I know the vents like the back of my hand. I can be your inside man."

"No! If anyone, it'll be me."

"If you make the wrong move, you'll end up like Lincoln, I can't have that happen." I told him.

Bell put his head on my shoulder, I put my head on top of his.

"You're all I have left." I whispered to him.

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