Chapter Fifteen END

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Alright, so this is the last chapter in Jealousy. We've learned about everyone's backstories, how they came to be adults chef professors and dance instrutors, how they grew up and where they are now. Also, again sorry for the 11, 000+ word chapter fourteen, I had not planned for it to be so long it just happened. 

Buuuuut this chapter is longer, this is a 19,000+ word chapter, I'm sorry, I had not planned for this to be so long. I had even thought of making it into two parts because it was so long then decided not to. (I regret not making it into two parts, it took me so long to edit it this)

So, Warning: Drugs, alcohol, death, murder, strip club, sex. 

Also please comment and let me know how you liked this story. It makes me really happy and I'm encouraged to write more and come up with different story lines and plots. Comment and vote please!

Please Enjoy!

Chapter Fifteen

Third POV:

The bright flashing of lights made him dizzy and nauseous and the thumping and pounding of the deep bass made his ears ring. The black-haired boy groaned from the lights and music as he swung his sweaty body seductively around a pole on a stage. There had to be over thirty people in the club tonight and the male had not been given a break; it's been at least three hours as he was forced to keep dancing for these perverted fucks.

At least Park Jimin had some heroine to shoot up his veins to make it more bearable. But that was also three fucking hours ago sense he last had shot some up his veins. He was starting to get antsy and twitchy; he needed a fix... and he needed it now. He bit his plump and glossed lip harshly between his teeth as he wrapped his arm around the pole before bringing the other hand up and climbing up the metal rod slowly.

It's already been a little over a year since he was kidnapped and sold into this place. He tried escaping a few times, but each time he was beaten and raped until he was barely conscious. The last time he tried to escape he was beaten so badly that he thought he was for sure going to die right there. He stopped trying to escape after that and he slowly realized that he wasn't going to be free anytime soon.

Jimin grunted lightly as he flipped over and squeezed his thighs onto the pole to hang upside down, his bare chest in the open for everyone to see. It wasn't like his lower half was any better, he was forced to wear a really tight speedo-like underwear. Basically, the outline of his manhood was as clear as the Hyeopjae  Beach in the southern region of South Korea.

He heard a few women and men whistle loudly as he slid his hand across his chest before flipping back over and sliding down into the splits down the pole. The female dancers were jealous over his flexibility, they could barely do splits like that, but they also understood that before Jimin was a forced stripper he was a professional dancer and a dance instructor. They knew his story, after all they had gotten close to each other in this year. They were horror stricken when Jimin told them that he had been kidnapped and sold and is forced to dance here.

They wanted to help him escape but he didn't want them getting hurt in anyway shape or form trying to help him escape, he just had to deal with his life.

He sensually pulled himself back up the pole until he was standing up again before another male dancer tapped his shoulder and pointed backs-stage, towards the dressing rooms. Jimin sighed in relief and left to the dressing rooms to shoot some heroine up his arms and into his blood stream. He needed the hit before he officially lost his god damn mind.

The forced stripper sat down at his vanity where he gets himself ready, sitting in front of a big mirror with make-up and hair styling tools placed on the flat area in front of the mirror. He opened a drawer and pulled out a needle and before sliding it into the crook of his elbow, he tied a rubber band on his bicep as a make-shift tourniquet. He flicked the metal on the needle to make sure it's working properly and that there are no bubbles, he almost stabbed himself with the needle as he finally shot himself up with the heroine he so badly needed.

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