Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

WARNING: There will be a descriptive scene of rape and murder, if you do not want to read anything of the sort, you can skip over it. I will have places in the story that I will let you know when the scene(s) start and end. Also, I added a few surprise characters in here. They are younger than Namjoon in real life, but I am making them older in this. Otherwise, please enjoy the chapter.

Third POV:

Namjoon made sure to watch Jin a bit more after hearing his story before he met him. Jin actually came out of his room more for longer periods of time. They both became closer emotionally as well. Jin began talking to him more, and Namjoon slowly began doing the same. Namjoon had began thinking about telling Jin what he went through before meeting Yoongi and becoming a music producer and a rapper. He was just scared. He never really told anyone what happened and what he did. He was anxious because he didn't want to scare Jin off. He didn't want Jin leaving because of what he did.

Namjoon sighed to himself as he sat on the couch in Yoongi's office, still in the process of trying to hack into Taehyung's new phone just to be able to keep tabs on the younger male. Yoongi was out with Jungkook and Hoseok. Yoongi had a drug deal, and though Seventeen was killed off by Jungkook, Yoongi was still making sure to be careful, especially after the last drug deal that ended in the buyer trying to kill him. Jin was in the kitchen, baking some cookies for everyone, and all Namjoon could think of is Jin wearing an apron with flour on the front of it as he mixed everything and molded the dough into balls.

Jin's small smile, bright brown eyes shining under the kitchen light as he shoved cookies into the oven also went through Namjoon's mind. Namjoon sighed, shut his laptop down, and laid it aside on the couch before exiting the office and walking down to the kitchen to keep Jin company. Namjoon silently walked into the kitchen just as Jin was bending down and placing a tray of uncooked dough into the oven.

"Wow, how many batches of cookies are you going to make?" Namjoon chuckled out as he sat at the kitchen island opposite of Jin and the oven.

Jin jumped slightly at the voice, having not noticed the younger walk in, and he stood up straight, shutting the oven.

He turned around and smiled softly. "You startled me there..." He paused to dramatically lay a hand on his chest, "Almost gave me a heart attack!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes and laughed at Jin's acting. Both men burst in laughter after a moment of silence. The joke was over, but Jin's laugh was what really had Namjoon going. He could only describe it as someone wiping glass clean or the sound of old windshield wipers.

After their laughing fit was over and both had calmed down, Jin sat down at the island area next to Namjoon. Namjoon smiled at the older male as Jin fiddled with the bottom hem of his apron. The younger thought that he was the most beautiful man he'd ever met, and he just wanted to take care of him. Namjoon just watched him for a bit.

"Hey, Namjoon," Jin spoke up, his voice soft and light.

"What is it?" Namjoon replied, cocking his head slightly to the side. He watched as Jin bit his bottom lip and grip onto his apron tighter.

"Jin-hyung, are you alright?" Namjoon asked him as he turned completely to face the older male.

Jin sighed in answer before speaking. "What was your life like.... I mean like, before you became apart this gang?"

Namjoon blinked at the question before looking down at the floor. Should he really tell Jin what happened? Or, what he did? That he was actually really dangerous?

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