Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Jealousy Can Make You Do Crazy Things

Warning: Smut towards the end of the chapter, drugs, Hoseok killing someone. (shhhh)

Sope pairing is in this chapter and will be in the rest of the story.

Third POV:

Yoongi has Namjoon and Taehyung in his office while Jungkook tied the man to chair in a small room with just one window higher up to the ceiling. It was a small and barely let any moon light in. The room only had one light, it was bright and shining only at the man who was blindfolded and gagged as he was tied to the metal chair in the middle of the room. While Jungkook tied the man down he grunted and shifted around until Jungkook had enough, growling and punching him in the gut.

"Shut up will you, your lucky I hadn't smashed your face into the concrete", the dancer grunted out and finished tying the man up watching as he grunted and wheezed from the harsh hit to the stomach. "Boss will be here soon, don't try anything stupid," he paused for a second then smirked and continued, "not like you can do anything anyway. There is no way you're getting out of these binds." He laughed then left the room finding Hoseok standing right outside the door.

"Someone is still having trouble holding their anger, huh?" The sunshine man said laughing lightly. "Yeah well when you have someone who's not cooperating when you're trying to tie them down wouldn't you get a bit angry?" Jungkook said laughing lightly with him. Hoseok rolled his eyes then locked the interrogation room and they both walked up the stairs to Yoongi's office who was talking to Namjoon and Taehyung about what exactly Taehyung would be asking the man.

They hadn't bothered to knock on his door like they usually would and just walked in and sat on the couch against the wall as Yoongi sat on his chair behind his desk; his hands held in a fist as he thought and talked to the two men in front of him. Jungkook suddenly came to the idea and interrupted Yoongi who glared at him but let him talk.

"Honestly I don't think this man could be the one that EXO had informed us who is or were stalking them and us. If so, then it was suspiciously too easy to capture him even for us. Everyone in the gang scene knows you are the most powerful drug dealer and mafia boss right now." Jungkook paused to put his forefinger and thumb right under his chin thinking. After a minute he continued, "I mean, it would be stupid to set up a deal with you when clearly it's a better shot to stay back and watch us."

Yoongi thought for a second at his words, it made sense a little. "If you think about it, it's actually not a bad idea," Namjoon starts as he swipes his fingers through his hair, "I mean, most people after us, or after Yoongi Hyung are always trying to kill him. So setting up a deal and then killing him as they met for the trade is a good idea."

"Think about it Namjoon Hyung, why would someone set up a drug deal with Yoongi Hyung when we're all pretty sure that he always has Taehyung Hyung or my self watching silently farther back," Jungkook spoke standing up and pacing slightly in front of the couch, "after all, Bangtan is a very smart gang and other gangs will attest to that and we all know that."

Namjoon thought for a second and realized Jungkook was right, no one in there right mind who was stalking Bangtan would do this, it's too risky. But then again, why would a man just up and want to stab Yoongi after a deal was done? "You have a point Kook but that still doesn't explain why the man would try and kill him after the deal was finished." Namjoon said shrugging his shoulders. "And that's why we have Tae here to tell us why when he interrogates him," Yoongi suddenly said standing up from his chair and walking around his desk to lean slightly against the front of it.

"Tae I want you to go start the questioning with Kook with you. When you are done let me know and I'll put him to sleep with this Ketamine. (It's a drug that some Veterinary hospitals use to put animals down.) Hoseok I want you to order these weapons for me, I'll email you the list in a few." Yoongi paused in his statement before saying, "and Namjoon I want you to start watching our cameras around the mansions perimeter for anyone suspicious loitering around".

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