Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Third POV:

Jin called everyone down for dinner a few hours later, forcing Jungkook to go get Yoongi and Hoseok. After everyone was at the dinner table, except for Jin, again. He wasn't eating a meal for the second time. Namjoon sighed and made a plate after eating his quickly and walked up to Jin's bed room, knocking on the door lightly. "Jin-hyung, please at least eat something, I know you're worried about him, we all are," Namjoon spoke through the door to Jin, waiting for a response but received nothing.

Namjoon tried again, knocking a bit louder this time and speaking a bit louder, "Jin-hyung, please, open the door, maybe talk to me about how you're feeling." He waited for a response and only got silence in return. He was about to walk away before he heard the quiet click of the door knob sliding to the side and Jin popped his head from the door. Namjoon smiled softly, his dimples on full display.

Jin let him in after a moments hesitation then sat on his bed just staring at his bit and chewed and picked at nails. Namjoon set the plate of food down carefully on the bed before sitting down next to Jin and watched as he anxiously picked at his nails. "Talk to me Jin-hyung," Namjoon smiled softly and grabbed hold of Jin's hands softly. Jin looked at there joined hands, contemplating on telling Namjoon Jimin's story and why he's basically killing himself over Jimin.

Namjoon rubbed his thumb over Jin's knuckles lightly, his smile and dimples still on full display. "Just take your time okay, don't force yourself," Namjoon spoke and scooched a bit closer to him. Namjoon waited and waited, he waited for almost five minutes before Jin finally spoke, his voice low, barely above a whisper.

"I've cared for Jimin, as if... as if he were my own son, though really he's more of a brother to me now than anything else," Jin said, biting his lip hard between his teeth. Namjoon didn't say anything and just let Jin talk when he wanted to talk, without pressuring him too.

After another minute Jin spoke again, just a bit louder this time, "When I found Jimin, he was just starting his fame as a dancer, his parents... weren't the greatest nor were they very supportive of his choice of career." Namjoon only nodded and waited more.

Jin had been in a grocery store picking out food for dinner when he noticed a man that he's seen a few times on the news and even had an interview with a company who needed him as a dancer for there idol groups. The man had been in the medicine/drug aisle of the grocery store. He seemed to be having trouble picking out a drug so Jin walked over to help. "Do you need help with anything? I don't work here but I'm glad to help if you need it," Jin spoke, his voice light, filled with happiness.

Jimin looked up and slowly smiled, though the smile didn't reach his eyes, at Jin. "I-I need to find some sleep aide pills," Jimin had spoke and Jin thought he had heard an angel in the real world. "Oh, do you have a particular kind of sleep aide pills in mind?" Jin answered him and Jimin only shook his head before speaking again, "It's my first time getting these kind of pills. Do you have a suggestions on some?"

"Well I suggest Melatonin, the 10 mLg, I used to have trouble sleeping when I was in college and it always helped me sleep well if I had an important exam in the morning," Jin answered him and bent down to grab the pill bottle. "It's also considered a vitamin so it should be safe to take," Jin added on quickly and handed the young man the bottle.

Jimin nodded at him then laid the bottle in his little shopping basket and Jin saw the prescription bags in the basket as well. Jin's eyes went wide as he saw them, he wondered what the prescriptions were and why Jimin would need them. "I'm Kim Seokjin by the way, but I go by Jin," Jin introduced him self and put his right hand out to shake Jimin's hand.

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