Real Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Third POV:

Jimin sighed in relief as his class was almost over, Jin would be here soon and he couldn't wait to have his ice coffee when he arrived. He noticed Jungkook had been watching him more today and though it should have creeped him out, it didn't, and that its self creeped him out. He panted lightly as he watched everyone through the mirror to make sure they were getting the dance steps and sequences correctly.

About twenty minutes later and Jin peeked his head through the studio door and lightly waved to get Jimin's attention. Jimin smiled and put up a finger for him to wait a minute. He turned back to the mirror and saw a student, he seemed stiff so Jimin spoke, loud and clear.

"Ji-Ya, loosen up your muscles a bit. We are not popping in this dance," Jimin watched as Ji-Ya nodded a bit and slowly began to loosen his muscles a bit. After a few more minutes Jimin announced for everyone to take a ten-minute break. He jogged over to Jin who gave him his ice coffee and they both leaned against the wall next to the big mirror.

"So why don't you explain to me which student you have a crush on?" Jin asked him as he sipped at his macchiato. Jimin joked on his ice coffee and hit his chest a bit. Jin laughed loudly and patted his back some as Jimin choked on his ice coffee slightly, "Jeez Jin-hyung! What the hell kind of question is that?"

Jin laughed more and watched as Jimin took another drink of his coffee to soothe his throat a bit. "A perfectly logical question that you will answer me. Though I think I already know who the student is," Jin answered him before chugging half his macchiato down.

"If you already know who it is, then why ask me?" Jimin said glaring at Jin behind the straw he had slightly against his plump lips. "I want to hear it from you," Jin answered him smirking at his flushed cheeks.

Jimin only rolled his eyes and whispered, "It's Jungkook, happy now." "Very," the older answered him and looked around the studio at the conversing college students and Jungkook in the corner of the room just scrolling through his phone.

After a bit Jimin began class again and everyone stepped into position. It was a tiring last half hour but it's how it is.

After class was over Jimin told Jin to stay here and watch the studio while he went to use the bathroom while the students left one by one. Jimin hadn't noticed that he was followed to the restroom until he was pushed harshly against the wall. He squeaked and looked up to meet eyes with Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook-ah, what are you doing? Is everything okay?" Jimin stammered out his breathing going slightly irregular. Jungkook blinked lightly before letting his instructor go and saying, "I-I'm sorry, I just don't really know how to say this."

Jimin tilted his head slightly watching his student, his big round doe like eyes. "I-I umm..." Jungkook paused running his fingers through his dark hair sighing to himself. "It's okay, try to breathe first okay and calm yourself," Jimin said trying to calm his student down.

Jungkook nodded and breathed in through his nose then let it out through his mouth and said, slowly and softly, "I know this is very unprofessional but umm I like you Hyung-nim." He rubbed the back of his neck looking to the bathroom floor. "Ooh good! Jimin likes you too!" Jimin gasped his eyes going wide as he looked over to see Jin smirking evilly at the bathroom doorway before running away. "That bastard," Jimin muttered to his self, his cheeks heating up.

"Y-You like me too?" Jungkook asked and softly brought Jimin's chin up so he could look in Jimin's beautiful brown eyes. Jimin blushed harder, if that were possible, and bit his lip nodding slowly. "I know, I'm sorry, it's so unprofessional; I'm your teacher." Jimin sighed and tried to look away but couldn't as he had found that his lips were connected to Jungkook's.

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