Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Third POV:

Jungkook realized when he stopped down the street at a stop light that he had no idea where Jimin or Jin were, so he had Taehyung call Namjoon to quickly track down both men's apartments. After a few minutes, they had addresses for both men and they were back to driving. "I didn't think that he would stop teaching dance after this," Jungkook spoke gritting his teeth harshly.

Taehyung sighed and turned his head to face Jungkook who was driving. "It's alright okay, we're going to go and get them and bring them back to the mansion and Yoongi-hyung is going to handle everything," Taehyung spoke to him, his voice soft and laced with concern. Jungkook only sighed and turned a corner as the GPS indicated, they were going to Jimin's place first then off to Jin's.

"I just feel so stupid Tae-Tae, I should have known that he wouldn't want to teach after everything last night. Tae I-we-confessed to each other and kissed; before he found out about the mafia and all that," Jungkook spoke gripping the steering wheel in both hands tightly. Taehyung bit his lip before turning away from Jungkook and looking out the passenger side window.

Taehyung was confused to say the least, he had thought Jungkook was just having one of his silly little crushes he gets over in about a month, but they both confessed to each other? They kissed? Taehyung shook his head slightly and reminded his self that Jungkook never kept a girlfriend or boyfriend for long, mainly because they found out about the mafia or he didn't want them to know and, in order to protect them, he'd have to break up with them.

It's okay, they probably won't stay together for long, just like the others. Just like the others. Taehyung basically chants like a mantra in his mind, trying to tell him self that everything would be fine.

After about thirty minutes both gang members finally make it to Jimin's apartment. Both boys hop out of the van and sprint through the complex finding the right door number before knocking, loudly and quickly. They received no answer. Jungkook knocked again, slamming his knuckles against the wooden door, he'd be sure to have bruises here soon.

They still received no answer, no sign that Jimin was even home. "The college did say he was called home, maybe he's with this Jin-hyung," Taehyung said as they began walking back to the van. Jungkook only nodded and climbed back into the van and drove off, towards Jin's apartment this time after setting the GPS up. "Yoongi-hyung is really mad though Taehyung, I hope he isn't too harsh on him." Jungkook bit his lip as he stopped at a red light gripping the steering wheel again.

"I'm sure everything will be okay, as long as he didn't tell anyone, but sort of a long shot, he had to have told this Jin person something. Let's just hope it wasn't everything," Taehyung spoke as the red light turned to green and Jungkook began driving again. "Yeah, let's hope he didn't tell him everything," Jungkook replied, not noticing the worried eyes staring at him from the passengers' side.

Jin-hyung was a bit farther, about an hour away, both gang members were hoping they'd be at the apartment or Yoongi would be even more pissed than he already is. Once they parked in the underground garage then used an elevator to get up to the right floor. They jogged down the hallway looking for the right apartment door number then Jungkook slammed his knuckles on the door just as he did to Jimin's door.

There was some slight rustling on the other side before a loud but slightly deep voice yell out, "Just a minute!" It wasn't Jimin's, it must be the Jin persons voice. Jungkook and Taehyung waited as there were some more rustling than voices talking very lightly both men could barely hear it. Finally, the apartment door opened and there stood a tall man, with black hair, a bright smile, and wide shoulders in the door frame. He was taller then both the gang members and seemed buffer, though that could just be the illusion of the huge shoulders.

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